XAMPP Linux download size much larger than stated - why?

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

XAMPP Linux download size much larger than stated - why?

Postby mikey » 04. July 2008 15:15


I tried to download "XAMPP Linux 1.6.6". The download page says that the download size is 58MB. Unfortunately, I had to stop the download at 85.4 MB because I pay per MB to receive data. Please can somebody tell me what the actual size is of the xampp-linux-1.6.6.tar file?

If it is 58MB in size then why is the incomplete download on my computer over 85MB in size?

The computer that I used to download the file has "Windows XP Pro with SP2". I used a download manager that is called "Free Download Manager (Lite)" available at http://www.freedownloadmanager.org/.

Unfortunately, I am unable to download and use "XAMP Linux 1.6.6" because I do not know how big the complete download will be.

Please help me with your advice, because I don't understand why it says 58MB on the XAMP website but my incomplete download is already 85.4MB in size?

Your help will be appreciated.

Kind Regards,
Posts: 5
Joined: 03. July 2008 15:59

Postby sari42 » 05. July 2008 13:54

http://sourceforge.net/project/showfile ... p_id=61776 says: xampp-linux-1.6.6.tar.gz 60,711,704 Bytes ...

I just downloaded xampp-linux-1.6.7-beta4.tar.gz (FF3 w/o download manager): 61,209,670 Bytes.

maybe you could try a different Browser/Manager?
Last edited by sari42 on 05. July 2008 14:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: 27. November 2005 18:28

Postby Nobbie » 05. July 2008 14:03

Why do you open several threads with the same question?

In the other thread I already answered to you to that question:

The advertised download sizes are (and were) correctly for all files. There is NO xampp-linux-1.6.6.tar file, but instead there is xampp-linux-1.6.6.tar.gz, which is a gzipped version of the tar file, and the size is exactly 58MB (as advertised). Maybe your download manager immediately unpacked the packed tar file (after downloading it), which then results in the bigger unpacked tar file.
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