Install Gallery on XAMPP then upload: case sensitive problem

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Install Gallery on XAMPP then upload: case sensitive problem

Postby Dirki » 03. July 2008 00:54

I would like to install Menalto Gallery on XAMPP on my local system and then upload to the server.

Installing Gallery on XAMPP obviously creates lower case - ... r-case.jpg - table names, but Gallery needs case sensitive names - ... sitive.jpg

Using lower case on the server shows a "Data base error" or similar messages.

I have tried unsuccessfully







in "my.ini" (the right one) of XAMPP. Always lower case names were created.

How could I solve the problem?

Nice greetings, Dirk.
Posts: 20
Joined: 26. June 2008 15:55

Postby Wiedmann » 03. July 2008 11:07

I have tried unsuccessfully ... in "my.ini" (the right one) of XAMPP.

You mean "my.cnf" (in "\xampp\mysql\bin")?
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Postby Dirki » 03. July 2008 14:10

Thanks for your answer, Wiedmann.

You mean "my.cnf" (in "\xampp\mysql\bin")?

I had meant “my.ini,” actually, but do not anymore, now is the point I am confused, indeed about all these files / links, “my.ini”, “my.cnf”.

I have running two XAMPPs, one on “C:”, one on “H:”, there are existing (obviously) two “my.ini” or (or and?) two “my.cnf” per XAMPP shown in a file manager like here (I had found obviously three of these files, instead of four till today):

There is this my.cnf

Clicking on it seems to do nothing. Drag and drop the link shown on the screenshot above an editor being opened makes this / or a file editable and shows its content (how could I else open it?). Shown path in “Properties”: H:\xampp\mysql\bin.

I have linked three “my.cnf“ to a folder on the desktop for easier opening and after dropping such an icon over an editor, the editor shows this:

“my.ini” instead of “my.cnf”.

What does that mean? What did I do wrong?
I would like to have the same case (case sensitivity / lower or upper case), respectively keep it the way the cases are, as the scripts (e.g. Gallery, Drupal (with e.g. Drupal it works fine obviously) initialize them / apply to when installing the scripts. So I could install them on my local XAMPP and then upload keeping the cases (I assume). I would like all the scripts to be completely running on my local XAMPP and on the server, also (after uploading, not installing them on the server separately or modifying them after uploading). And going this way I would have a back up, always.

I assume (after having tried it) I have to add

Code: Select all

to a line below “[mysqld]” in the "my.cnf".

After adding “lower-case-table-names=0” and restarting XAMPP a warning was shown regarding the value “0”, so I didn’t go on as a precaution and especially after reading this:

Value Meaning 0 Table and database names are stored on disk using the lettercase specified in the CREATE TABLE or CREATE DATABASE statement. Name comparisons are case sensitive. Note that if you force this variable to 0 with --lower-case-table-names=0 on a case-insensitive filesystem and access MyISAM tablenames using different lettercases, index corruption may result.

So, might I cause damage irreparably adding “lower-case-table-names=0” or another case?

Nice greetings, Dirk.
Posts: 20
Joined: 26. June 2008 15:55

Postby Milligan » 04. July 2008 08:40

Last edited by Milligan on 17. July 2008 04:50, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 136
Joined: 03. March 2008 06:23

Postby Dirki » 04. July 2008 09:53

Thanks a lot, Ms. Síofra Milligan.

I remember there was a large thread about this MySQL table case issue
posted on these forums which was revealed after a search for keyword case.

Here is that post which might help with your particular table case issues:

Yes, I had have found this posting and some other regarding the issue. Thanks for the link.

Please try and prevent horizontal scrolling in your posts - the image needs resizing.

Okay, of course, as you like it.

Nice greetings, Dirk.
Posts: 20
Joined: 26. June 2008 15:55

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