where is apache? how/where do i run it?

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where is apache? how/where do i run it?

Postby junker » 02. June 2008 23:28

im definitely new to this so please bear with my questions, as they may be fairly rudimentary.

first, im trying to find the apache resource/application on my computer. i have mac os 10.5 installed on my computer but a search only turns up 2 .gif files and i know that apache comes with 10.5 from what a friend told me.

another question i have is do i have to install something since i cant find it on my computer? i went to the apache website and the download section but it is just a directory. where would i put these files on my computer to start using apache?
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Postby jmdirc » 03. June 2008 04:18

all good questions and been there

to start apache, it is on your machine already, just go to the system preference panel, then to sharing, and select web sharing then click the start button

Mac is pretty good at the security thing (think Unix). Mac hides about everything so you can't screw with it even if your signed in as root. In an earlier version of 4 I was able to find the files I wanted to screw with but can't figure it out now. So, I go through the Terminal now. Still not a master by any means, but am working on it.

Some good lessons are at (and I'm sorry if I sound repetitive here with my other posts) but, lynda.com has some fantastic videos, free samples, that you can watch which can teach you alot about the Mac and its Terminal when it comes to dealing with apache, php etc. Jump over to her site, go down the list to php and select the first one. It will take you to a page that has general info to installing, for free. There are quite a few so expect to spend some time there. I'd say it is a must see if your just learning.

Also, you will fare well to make a trip to the library and pick up a book on Mac OS X 5 - dealing with Darwin takes a bit.

And of course, if you find out how to access the files without going into the Terminal, let us all know.

To make it easy, just load XAMPP, all the files you will need to access will be reachable without the terminal. Still, read up on it.

good luck
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Postby junker » 04. June 2008 00:10

nice good information to start with. thanks for the advice its much appreciated!
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Postby jmdirc » 04. June 2008 05:04

Alas, look what I found. Something that will open up all those hidden files on a Mac 10.4 maybe 10.5:

http://theappleblog.com/2007/04/30/quic ... den-files/

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