fresh install localhost times out

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fresh install localhost times out

Postby lrobinson » 02. April 2008 21:51

I just installed xampp and http://localhost does not do anything. I just get a "page cannot be displayed." I had a standalone apache install which I removed before installing xampp that had the same problem.
Any advice would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
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Postby LooseCannon » 03. April 2008 10:16

Hello and welcome lrobinson. Just a quick and rather incomplete response from me, but something to get things started, before the an expert arrives. Some more information would help.

You've started Apache and MySQL?

Any information in the logs?

You have Skype running?
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Postby lrobinson » 03. April 2008 13:43

Yes, Apache and mysql are both started, but I am not running skype.

I didnt see much in the logs. The only thing that seemed as if it may be abnormal was this:

[warn] pid file C:/xampp/apache/logs/ overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?

Here is the result of my port check (just in case):

Service Port Status
Apache (HTTP) 80 C:\xampp\apache\bin\apache.exe
Apache (WebDAV) 81 free
Apache (HTTPS) 443 C:\xampp\apache\bin\apache.exe

MySQL 3306 C:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqld-nt.exe

FileZilla (FTP) 21 free
FileZilla (Admin) 14147 free

Mercury (SMTP) 25 free
Mercury (POP3) 110 free
Mercury (IMAP) 143 free
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Postby sari42 » 03. April 2008 15:20

what if you try
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Postby LooseCannon » 03. April 2008 15:55

Which raises the question, what's in your C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file? Just the following line is not commented out?

Code: Select all       localhost

Also, what actual message do you get? What response code? eg 404 Not Found.

And the file "C:/xampp/htdocs/index.html" is there?
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Postby lrobinson » 03. April 2008 17:10

http://localhost does not work if you type it in (localhost by itself also turns into http://localhost btw). I checked the hosts file, and localhost is not commented out. http://127.0.01 does not work, so there is no dns issue. The index.html is in the C:/xampp/htdocs/ folder.

There is no response code, just "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" and sites such problems as internet connection, typo in the address etc. In firefox there is no message at all, just a completely white screen that says, "done" in the status bar at the bottom of the window (after a few minutes of trying to find a page).
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Postby sari42 » 03. April 2008 19:15

sounds like a firewall or access restriction issue then...
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Postby lrobinson » 03. April 2008 19:41

I only have a hardware firewall... windows firewall is disabled. Also, at one point I did have a standalone version of apache working before uninstalling, reinstalling the standalone (which didnt work--same problem), uninstalling, and installing xampp. I can't imagine it'd be a firewall issue, but at this point I'm open to any suggestions.

Thanks for all the help so far!
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Postby LooseCannon » 09. April 2008 14:03

lrobinson wrote:... and localhost is not commented out. http://127.0.01 does not work, so there is no dns issue. ...
Ah, let me re-phrase what I was asking. The only line that is not commented out is that one. There are no other lines, un-commented.

I remember seeing somewhere here (just done a search and couldn't find it, damn) the ip6 adds a line something like "::1". I've seen that on Vista machines. Note that XAMPP doesn't work with ip6.

EDIT: my super search skilz.....

Here's the offending line:
"::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback"

c/o Izzy
"If you see this IPv6 setting then you can safely delete or comment it out (add # ) it as it may cause some issues in XAMPP running Vista - you can always put it back if it causes issues with IPv6 aware Vista programs.:
# ::1 localhost <- commented out "
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Postby lrobinson » 09. April 2008 14:28

I'm running xp and not using IPv6... my hosts file is normal. In the meantime i've been using xampp on a different computer, but I'd like to get it running on this machine as well at some point.
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