Apache and Mysql can't start on XAMPP 1.6.5

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Apache and Mysql can't start on XAMPP 1.6.5

Postby Rama » 10. January 2008 11:18


I have installed XAMPP 1.6.5. But Apache and Mysql can't start on XAMPP 1.6.5 . It is telling the insatllation failed. Only Filezilla is running. I have installed the older version of XAMPP all those worked very fine. I didn't find any problem. Please help me immediately. As i want to upgrade my php version as my present projects requires urgent upgradation. I am not able to work with older versions.

Please help.


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Postby LooseCannon » 14. January 2008 13:35

Hello and welcome Rama.

This issue has just happened to me and I've _just_ started searching the forum for help. What have you tried so far and where have you already looked for answers?

Have you looked at http://community.apachefriends.org/f/viewtopi ... ache+start?

Also, when you fix your problem or find a answer/solution, please post back in here to share it with others. Please/thanks. :)

/me continues my investigations and testing....

EDIT: Notes for my own reference, based on my installation, but might assist thread starter
1. Running apache_start.bat and it just sits at "Apache 2 is starting ..."
2. Running both apache -S and httpd -t at c:\xampp\apache\bin gives "Syntax ol".
3. I've tried the "Microsoft.VC80.CRT" fix per the above link, and see no effect on this issue.

So, it looks like a fresh install. Oh joy, I did _not_ backup my latest vhost config! :D :roll:
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Postby xpt » 14. January 2008 21:52

LooseCannon wrote:1. Running apache_start.bat and it just sits at "Apache 2 is starting ..."
2. Running both apache -S and httpd -t at c:\xampp\apache\bin gives "Syntax ol".
3. I've tried the "Microsoft.VC80.CRT" fix per the above link, and see no effect on this issue.

Hit me as well, xamp 1.6.5 under Win XP:

1. the XAMPP Control Panel starts Apache and Mysql well, with that green "running" sign.
2. but the URL http://localhost or can't be open.
3. Stop Apache from XAMPP Control Panel and start the bat, get the very symptom as reported above.

I didn't bother try mysql, but there is also this:

Can't login to mysql

Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)
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Postby Izzy » 15. January 2008 00:35

First, check all ports are Free for XAMPP to use before starting any modules
(check that no other instances of any program are occupying the ports XAMPP requires)

How to remove sticking XAMPP services
...that may not have have been removed from the registry after an unsuccessful uninstall or for other obscure reasons that are preventing XAMPP modules from starting.

Important - Stop Apache, MySQL and FileZilla if they are running.
(This is often the reason that modules fail to start after uninstalling XAMPP especially the uninstalling of modules running as services - these modules must be stopped and the services uninstalled before trying to uninstall XAMPP or else it can't delete the registry entries if services are running.)

Close/Exit the XAMPP Control Panel
(sometimes overlooked when uninstalling XAMPP especially if the CP is running as a service).

Open a command prompt
Click start
Click on Run...
Type: cmd.exe

Remove old or sticky services.
sc delete apache2.2
(or sc delete apache if an older XAMPP)
Click OK

sc delete mysql
Click OK

sc delete "FileZilla Server"
Click OK

Close the command console

Try and start the defaulting modules again using your preferred methods - bat files are preferred at this stage as they do give an error message if the modules fail to start or use the control panel - but no error messages.

Always check the Apache log files for errors first as they often contain clues.

This procedure is not guaranteed to fix all things for all issues but may be tried without any detrimental effects - only run sc on the module(s) that you may have issues with but in any event sc will tell you if there is nothing for it to do for a particular module.

Finally, if you believe that your issue is a bug then report it here after registering:
Included as much detail as possible so your issue can be replicated by the developers.

BTW - sc is an acceptable abbreviation for sc.exe Windows Service Controller and will delete any stray services that won't shut down by any normal means, among other services commands.

Microsoft explains the Service Controller Commands HERE.
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Postby xpt » 15. January 2008 16:56

> check all ports are Free for XAMPP to use before starting any modules

Done. should have mentioned that.

> How to remove sticking XAMPP services

Box was just newly booted. no sticking XAMPP or apache services hanging around, yet got the above problem.
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Postby armage » 16. January 2008 13:25

I have de same problem.

I'm installed XAMPP in a Windows 2003 server and Apache do not start, the System Event Viewer say "Dependent Assembly Microsoft.VC80.CRT could not be found and Last Error was The referenced assembly is not installed on your system."

After a bit of googling I found that VC80.CRT is the Microsoft's Visual C++ runtime, so I installed the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86)" downloaded from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/d...displaylang=en

And it work ok! :D

Hope it help.

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Postby LooseCannon » 16. January 2008 18:36

I've sorted my problem. Plain and simple laziness.

I just ran the 1.6.5 install right over the previous version. I should have uninstalled the previous version beforehand.

Having uninstalled XAMPP as per the instructions in the readme file a fresh install of 1.6.5 worked straight away.

Note that uninstallation is covered in readme_en.txt, found at c:\xampp on my PC. It's basically just moving the whole xampp folder out of the way.

I bet others with this issue after installing 1.6.5 have bits of previous versions getting in the way. So, following Izzy's suggestions should resolve it, maybe without an uninstall, or uninstall,,, AFTER taking a backup.

@ xpt: The box is 'newly booted', but is it a fresh installation of XAMMP? Mine wasn't.

@ armage: A search for "Microsoft.VC80.CRT" on these very fora yields a huge variety of threads. I tried that, but it didn't help me. Good for you though. :)

@ Rama: Still no feedback? :(
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Postby xpt » 17. January 2008 17:07

Mine now working too!

Thanks Izzy, I followed your instruction word to word and it works.

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Postby xpt » 17. January 2008 17:08

I mean, I can see apache and mysql started. able to access web. Will do more test now...


All demos work fine!

Thanks a lot for such a fine tool!!!
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