XAMPP and Leopard

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

XAMPP and Leopard

Postby bandelier » 30. October 2007 20:05

I recently upgraded my Mac OS to Leopard (10.5). Had to re-install XAMPP, but can't get it to work on the new OS - everything appears to start properly and according to the XAMPP "status" page, all is working...

However, when I attempt to load the phpmyadmin tool at http://localhost/phpmyadmin, I get an error telling me to check my server/php logs. Message is "Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly"

I've tried to figure out whether there is a configuration problem in the php.ini file - it seems to point to the right mysql.sock location 'var/mysql/mysql.sock'. Beyond that, I'm baffled.
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Location: denver, co

php5 is the issue

Postby bandelier » 01. November 2007 01:30

Fixed this - by switching to php4 in the XAMPP console, and re-starting all. Seems phpmyadmin & php5 don't like each other.
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Location: denver, co

Postby bandelier » 02. November 2007 17:19

Found a solution for getting phpmyadmin to work with php5:

...the problem is to do with the "session.save_path" directive.

Open the file /xmapp/etc/php.ini

and uncomment the line that reads

; session.save_path = /tmp

to read

session.save_path = /tmp

Save the file. Restart xampp. All done.

However... I'm now experiencing a new issue - I can't import any db's or tables. get the following error:

No data was received to import. Either no file name was submitted, or the file size exceeded the maximum size permitted by your PHP configuration. See FAQ 1.16.

My settings are all good inside the php.ini file in terms of file upload size & max size, so FAQ 1.16 is not the solution to this specific issue. One thing I have noticed is an SSL error when shutting Apache down with the XAMPP console - wonder if it's related to this, and what the issue could possibly be? I've read that security is much tighter in the Leopard server configuration, but am lost again as to how to get this thing up & running...
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Location: denver, co

Import Issue resolved

Postby saiena » 05. November 2007 23:33

thanks for finding the session.save_path fix.

I was able to solve the import problem as follows:
- edit /xmapp/etc/php.ini
- uncomment the upload_tmp_dir line and specify:
upload_tmp_dir = "/tmp"
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Worked for me!

Postby jvendryes » 06. November 2007 02:22

Thanks for figuring this out, it worked for me as well :)
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Still having problems

Postby amariotti » 12. November 2007 22:38

I am still having a problem switching in Leopard.

Even when I click the "Activate PHP 5" from the control panel it still tells me that I'm running 4.4.7. I did the step by step instructions that you guys provided and it is still stuck at 4.4.7. Any other solutions to the problem?

System information: MacPro, XAMPP 0.3
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Joined: 12. November 2007 22:32

Postby jauhari » 11. December 2007 23:52

Another problem is, I can't upload some images to my server use XAMPP on my Leopard.

Everytime I try to upload, got blank message. And I don't know what happen.

Can anybody help me?
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Postby jauhari » 21. December 2007 08:26

jauhari wrote:Another problem is, I can't upload some images to my server use XAMPP on my Leopard.

Everytime I try to upload, got blank message. And I don't know what happen.

Can anybody help me?

After change user files from original to my user login on Leopard and my problem was gone ;)
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I get a different error...

Postby kildjean » 22. December 2007 07:21

I am getting a different error when i restart all the systems in my G5:

/Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/bin/mysql.server: line 159: kill: (20814) - No such process
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Whooo also many thanks.

Postby robouden » 18. March 2008 21:26

I have been struggling with Xampp on Leopard for a long time. This change i PHP.IN fix fixed it..

Rob Oudendijk
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Joined: 11. September 2006 23:32

Line 159

Postby nateritter » 29. April 2008 23:58

The error with line 159 on it is usually because you have a previous MySQL instance running. You need to kill that before Xampp will work properly.

This does the trick in a brute force kinda way:
Code: Select all
sudo killall mysqld
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