Apache help needed

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Apache help needed

Postby rcpalace » 17. November 2007 07:37

Hi guys, I'm having troubles hosting multiple sites under one installation of Xampp; for some reason all the domains I enter redirect to the first site listed in the httpd-vhosts file. Any help solving this issue will be greatly appreciated,
Kind Regards.
Posts: 9
Joined: 12. July 2007 17:15

Postby skuipers » 17. November 2007 15:52

Please post your httpd-vhost.conf.
Posts: 102
Joined: 21. January 2005 16:27
Location: The Netherlands

Postby rcpalace » 17. November 2007 18:28

Here's what's inside:
Code: Select all
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName www.rc-palace.com
ServerAlias rc-palace.com
DocumentRoot /rc-palace.com
ErrorLog logs/error_log
TransferLog logs/access_log

If I add another VirtualHost code similar to that it redirects to the first one listed in the file.
Kind Regards.
Posts: 9
Joined: 12. July 2007 17:15

Postby Scory » 17. November 2007 23:28

rcpalace wrote:Here's what's inside:
Code: Select all
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName www.rc-palace.com
ServerAlias rc-palace.com
DocumentRoot /rc-palace.com
ErrorLog logs/error_log
TransferLog logs/access_log

If I add another VirtualHost code similar to that it redirects to the first one listed in the file.
Kind Regards.

"If I add ..." - you should add another Virtual Host and show us your entry! How can we help if you do not show us the relevant code?


Postby rcpalace » 18. November 2007 00:40

Because it's the same except a different domain and Document root.

Anyway here it is:

Code: Select all
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName www.rc-palace.com
ServerAlias rc-palace.com
DocumentRoot /rc-palace.com
ErrorLog logs/error_log
TransferLog logs/access_log

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName www.url-press.com
ServerAlias url-press.com
DocumentRoot /url-press.com
ErrorLog logs/error_log
TransferLog logs/access_log

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards.
Posts: 9
Joined: 12. July 2007 17:15

Postby Scory » 18. November 2007 18:07

And www.rc-palace.com as well as www.url-press.com are valid domains, both on your pc? What happens, when you enter http://www.url-press.com in your browser?

Are the virtual hosts directives inside httpd.conf? Or are they in a different file for inclusion? Are they included actually? Do you change the right file? What says "phpinfo()" about servername, documentroot etc.? Whats says the log file?

If you really want help, you must apply much more information - its definately impossible to give you any advice on that poor info.


Postby rcpalace » 20. November 2007 05:12

Yup, both domains are on the server; when I enter url-press.com in my browser it redirects to rc-palace.com; I think it might be an Operating issue, Fedora made rc-palace.com as the default domain for the server, I'll check the problem out and let you know.
Posts: 9
Joined: 12. July 2007 17:15

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