[SOLVED] SqliteManager : I can't enable version 3 of Sqlite

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

[SOLVED] SqliteManager : I can't enable version 3 of Sqlite

Postby hozdil » 22. October 2007 08:49


I have a problem and I really can't find the solution by myself.

I have tried to get SqliteManager work with sqlite 3.

I know that xampp come with the version 3. I have seen the command line interface but how can I say to SqliteManager to enable it ?

I know this is not the forum of SqliteManager but I suppose that someone here uses also this tool.

Thanks for you reply,
Last edited by hozdil on 22. October 2007 14:28, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 2
Joined: 22. October 2007 08:44

Postby Izzy » 22. October 2007 13:31

Hasan try this:
Open xampp\apache\bin\php.ini file in your text editor.

Uncomment this line at about 641:

to this:

Save the file if both the php_pdo dll extensions mentioned below are uncommented and restart Apache to have your edits recognized.

This quote from the installation documentation in SQLiteManager which is aimed at Linux users but Windows uses the extensions with a .dll added.
5 - Use SQLiteManager with SQLite database version 3
Your php must load at startup the extension : 'php_pdo' and 'php_pdo_sqlite' from PECL
open the user configuration file : user_defined.inc.php
and set
define('SQLITE3', true);
Now all the database must be in version 3
The configuration database is in version 3 too

Extension php_pdo.dll is already uncommented in the above php.ini file but uncomment it if yours is not.

You are uncommenting the extension php_pdo_sqlite.dll in my above instructions.

You need to follow the next instruction to edit the user_defined.inc.php in the above quote.

SQLite2 is enabled by default in XAMPP and if you follow the above instructions SQLite3 should be enabled now as well.

That should do it I believe unless you have not given all the details about your issue or I have missed something. :)

Take a look at the new DeskTopXampp launch control for XAMPP
and XAMPPlite (DTX.exe) posted by ridgewood:
http://community.apachefriends.org/f/viewtopi ... 967#103967
Available at Ridgewood's new DTX web site http://zedfiles.com/DTX/
Also available here: http://nat32.com/dtx/
I highly recommend DTX.
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Joined: 25. April 2006 17:06

Postby hozdil » 22. October 2007 14:27

I've followed and understood every steps and it has worked :)

Actually, I had read the article, documentation that you 've quoted, but I had misread this


So for the next guy who will have the same problem, take care there are 2 lines in php.ini which look very similar


I had uncomment the second but the first

Thank you for your reply,
Posts: 2
Joined: 22. October 2007 08:44

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