403 error

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

403 error

Postby Naatan » 08. October 2007 20:20

Hi, I've installed LAMPP a million times on ubuntu, and now on a fresh install of Ubuntu 7.10 im getting 403 errors..

I followed the steps on the XAMPP site, I added a subdirectory to /opt/lampp/htdocs and directed my browser to it..
I get the following error:

You don't have permission to access /DCMS on this server.

even with chmod set to 777, I tried chmodding to my local user or as root, no changes..

This is so annoying..
anyone know what this might be?

Oh, and Im getting this error a few times when starting LAMPP, though that's nothing new, I've had it before and it worked despite..

/opt/lampp/lampp: line 74: arch: command not found
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