Noob question: How to block access to Xampp on LAN

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Noob question: How to block access to Xampp on LAN

Postby harkonenn » 25. September 2007 17:21

I'd like to restrict access to Xampp to my laptop only. So far, I've been using .htaccess to protect the directories (htdocs, phpmyadmin, etc.) but I don't want other machines on my LAN to even get that far. In other words, if I use a browser on another PC in my office to go to my laptop's IP, which is fixed, I get the login dialog which you'd expect, but what I'd like to happen is just have the access denied without presenting the dialog - as if the Xampp ports were completely closed, or didn't even exist.

Is this something that I can accomplish through Apache configuration, or do I need to set rules in my firewall (Zone Alarm Pro)? Right now, I need to have my LAN be a "trusted" zone in ZA Pro in order to use file sharing and network rendering...

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Joined: 25. September 2007 16:49

Postby Wiedmann » 25. September 2007 17:28

Is this something that I can accomplish through Apache configuration,

You can change the "Listen" directive in "httpd.conf" (and "httpd-ssl.conf") ...

or do I need to set rules in my firewall

... or you can block the ports (80 and 443) in your firewall.
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Postby harkonenn » 25. September 2007 17:47

Thanks for the concise and quick reply!

The listen directive worked just fine, and as an extra measure I blocked the new "listen" ports in my firewall also.
Posts: 7
Joined: 25. September 2007 16:49

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