Understand username for xamp, phpmyadm, sql, and created db.

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Understand username for xamp, phpmyadm, sql, and created db.

Postby scrtadmr8 » 28. August 2007 06:56

Nagging question on username and password.
Install xampp on windows with phpmyadm, sql. Run xamp security program and have User as root and Password as password.
Now, when I use xamp or phpmyadm , I have to enter root for user and password for password.

Can I enter more instead of root for username when I run the security and what will the xampp user and phpmyadm be after running that security? Now, I create database called test. What will this test db username?

In creating the db called test using phpmyadm, why does it not ask for user name and password for that created db? I guess the user name of the db is root and password is password.

Note: running server offline for development purpose so tx on security concern. When I install a php application, I used locahost/security to have the default php application. No headache to look for that db connect to change. Simple. Now, I have two php application. Application 1 defualt user is super and password is 12345 reguiring database called dbone. Application 2 defualt user is admin and password is 54321 requiring database called dbapply2. In xamp and phpmyadm, user iis root and password is password. Now, u understand why I need to have a better understanding on how to use username and password when 2 applications running concurrently in xamp enviroment (Will have these 2 application online interface, mod, and learning). Simple question to undestand username depedency accross the applications, server, mysql, xampp and phpmyadm.

Tired of guessing with all these installation. I hope u understand and tried to search. Username root is passe and would like username more.

Newbie and Tx in advance and trying to have better understanding.
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Postby slayergirl » 29. August 2007 09:29

Not sure I completely understand what you mean but I think I have an idea.

You have a user root which has all rights to change everything. When you login to PHPmyadmin and you click Privileges you get an overview of Mysql users on the system. Here you can add a user which and you can change privileges (so you can create, update tables etc. but can not do everything the root can).

A database does not have a specific user name. Any user you have under privileges can login to the database. What they can do with the database is depending on the privileges you gave them before. They are the same for all databases you create!

With all users you can also login to PHPmyadmin and you will have the privileges you assigned to the user (with your root account when you created the user). You can still see the options like privileges but if you want to create a new user you will see that with you not-Root account, if you have assigned no admin-privileges, you get an error and the account is not created.

Basically the usernames for PHPmyadmin, Mysql and the db's created in there are the same...

Hope this clears it up a little at least.
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Slayergirl tx and another nagging question in last paragraph

Postby scrtadmr8 » 30. August 2007 05:18

Hi Slayergirl,
Tx u for your reply and reply shows u understand question. When I am a newbie, u pose a question base on lack of knowledge with intent to learn more. I am very happy u took the time to reply - priviledge.

As a newbie, I play with create db for the application. Play with create table. The other stuff, glance, so cannot recall details. Curretly, I have decided phpmyadm is a good tool and need to learn more. Prior, tried looking for easy way out of mysql ( utility and tools for db stuff for I am not db but more programmer) :oops: There is no easy way out and phpmyadm is > it < after searching and using other stuff with nothing comparable. Offline, application development user (self training), sole user limited knowledge. Current step of having 2 or 3 gnu install, interface, and then write my application working in unison. Difficult for a first timer.

Info on privliedge needed for editor or helpers. Tx again for your insight. When I use application, there iis db_connect ( server, db, username, password). Server is localhost, db is a required db for that application (note: db created in phpmyadm - create db - ie, db exist for that application), username is root which I used to in xAMPP, PHPMYADM, AND created db, password is password used in xampp, phpmyadm). What I inquired about is having different username, and password from my xampp and phpmyadm. Currently, master user and password.
With priviledge, I create user and assign that user a password. Now, I can create a lower level user with a newly assigned password. So, slayergirl u answered my question. :wink: Db connect (localhost, dbname, loweruser, lowerpassword).

How to get this: MYSQL> ? To execute mysql command Sql monitor.
Go to coomand line and type mysql ( Equivalent to DOS prompt and type mysql????). Would need to experiment and have better understanding of mysql commands. I know phpmyadm have insert, del and to generate php code. Another way to implement sql command at lower level ( less phpmyadm interface to improve learning experience).

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Postby slayergirl » 30. August 2007 09:42

In PHPmyadmin you have the possibility, if you have selected a database, to create your own queries. SQL query on database "yourdatabasename":
Here you can experiment with SQL. The basics are pretty simple. Take a look at w3schools.com, they have basic tutorials for MySQL (and much more) which you can use in the "Dosbox" MySQL version.

Later on you can combine it with PHP to put it on the screen and HTML/CSS for layout.

Not sure if you have any experience with DOS. I used my own folder navigation maybe you installed Xampp somewhere else. I just used the default settings.

You can start MYSQL "dosBox" with Windows -> start -> Execute ->
1 If you have not set a password maybe you can just start it up by searhcing and selecting the file C:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysql.exe (or something like it. If you computer gives a beep it's probably an error then : do 2 ;)

2 type cmd.exe press enter. With the Dos prompt type in cd\ and press enter This will bring you in the C:\ . then type in cd c:\xampp\mysql\bin again press enter. You can see the path before your cursor. Type in mysql.exe --user=youruser --password=yourpassword and press enter . Now you are probably logged in in the Mysql stuff. If you have created the tables (with phpmyadmin it's the fastest way) from w3schools.com you should be able to follow their tutorials. Hope it works...it's a long story.
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Two excellent replies and how to have ssl (https) running.

Postby scrtadmr8 » 03. September 2007 13:27

Hi Slayergirl,
Two for two excellent replies. Lucky to have a knowledgeable person post replies especially when it is there only post. Aware xampp makes life easier for u for I had created db, and fool around with tables. To gather more knowledge, have to avoid the easier life and code directly. It forces me think sql and that is why I inquire about the dos prompt. Your reply of dos prompt, and use that dir path will be sufficient.

Foolish / simple question, how do I get ssl (https) on my offline xampp environment? Have apache and sql running. The other two (bottom) installed and I personally did not click to be on in xampp. Would need to have email enviro in the future. Did not research that aspect. You are very knowledgeable and are u a web (master) developer? Love to visit your developed sites.

Spent a year pondering, spinning wheels, studying, and searching to create web application. Did not find must have php development library or partial must have application modules (most sites have login, captcha, email or online greeting card, form interface). Heard about pear but did not research. Doing hard way and lucky to find strip down shopping cart and resolve the bugs. Love the challenge and knowledge from web development. Many hats - dba, p/a. t/a, Q/a and tester, graphic designer, network/a, security/a, web and interface designer. Too bad I did not jump into sooner with my programmer background.

Been to Amsterdam and explore northern path with wheel rental. Did not know about better southern path till after the fact. Spent two days debugging session all due to using $ in var inside array $_session[var], and need to reset() after using each in coding. Each use twice in some script for I verify assumptions as I code. LOL, happy to get it running-shopping cart. Rookie mistake. Would like to provide my email to accept correspondence. When operational and lots of work still, would like u to visit site.

Tx again in advance and appreciate the time u spent to respond. Good karma for a kinda moderator at this site had a wordpress personal site bug that I mention. Now, I am being paid back by you and wish the same for your knowledge and time.
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Postby skeezix » 22. October 2007 00:33

slayergirl wrote:You have a user root which has all rights to change everything. When you login to PHPmyadmin and you click Privileges you get an overview of Mysql users on the system. Here you can add a user which and you can change privileges (so you can create, update tables etc. but can not do everything the root can).

In helping me get XAMPPLite working with WordPress, another forum user suggested go to phpmyadmin, click Privileges, then click Add new user.

And so I do. However when I click "Add user", the screen refreshes (blinks) and that's it. Same if I try to edit the table in any way. Blink, nothing.

Any ideas why this occurs??? I'm trying desperately to get WordPress running locally with XAMPP.
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