XAMPP for linux Installation not in /opt folder. Is it OK?

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XAMPP for linux Installation not in /opt folder. Is it OK?

Postby fikri215 » 08. August 2007 11:11

I tried to install XAMPP in /home directory instead of in /opt directory as usual. Many errors came out because the comman path in XAMPP refered to /opt/lampp. I changed the path to /home/lamp instead of /opt/lampp. So i ran the lampp service but i get a other problem such as cannot read the mysqlclient library (libmysqlclient.so.15).

I installed xampp in /home because the /opt partion usage have reached its limit. To avoid it installed in /home directory.

May i install in another location instead of /opt? if yes, guide me to solve it.
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Postby Wiedmann » 08. August 2007 12:17

Make a Symlink from /opt/lampp to /home/lampp.
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Postby fikri215 » 08. August 2007 12:32

Wiedmann wrote:Make a Symlink from /opt/lampp to /home/lampp.

How to do that? :cry:
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Postby Wiedmann » 08. August 2007 13:01

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Postby fikri215 » 08. August 2007 13:25

Wiedmann wrote:http://www.linuxmanpages.com/man1/ln.1.php

Ok, thank you, let me start from beginning.

First, i extract the file like this:
tar zxvf xampp-linux-1.6.x.tar.gz -C /home

Then i create folder in /opt:
mkdir /opt/lampp

After that i make Symlink in /opt/lampp:
ln -s /home/lampp/lampp /opt/lampp/lampp

Is it true? If yes i got the same error.
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Postby fikri215 » 09. August 2007 00:52

Please help me... Am i did is wright?
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Postby fikri215 » 09. August 2007 01:22

Since the Symlink process above failed. I try my best to changed every file in lampp file that i thought relevent to change. What i did was i changed the PATH from /opt/lampp to /home/lampp. I changed in lampp executation file, php-config file, phpize file, phptar file and othe file in share folder. But i couldn't remember it.

When i ran the lampp, i got this error:

root@1[lampp]# lampp start
Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.6.2...
/home/lampp/bin/php: error while loading shared libraries: libmysqlclient.so.15: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
XAMPP: Starting Apache with SSL ...
XAMPP: Error 127! Couldn't start Apache!
XAMPP: Starting diagnose...
XAMPP: Sorry, I've no idea what's going wrong.
XAMPP: Please contact our forum http://community.apachefriends.org/f/

XAMPP: Another MySQL daemon is already running.
XAMPP: Another FTP daemon is already running.
XAMPP for Linux started.

anyone can help me. :cry:
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Postby Dave_L » 12. August 2007 01:26

The symlink method is the right way to do it.

But instead of:
mkdir /opt/lampp
ln -s /home/lampp/lampp /opt/lampp/lampp

ln -s /home/lampp /opt/lampp
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