MOVING Sites from Windows to Linux whith xampp in both

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

MOVING Sites from Windows to Linux whith xampp in both

Postby marealta » 05. July 2007 14:16

Greetings to all!
I've installed xampp on windows. Everything is ok and running well. But I would like to move those sites to linux (UBUNTU). I've already installed xampp on linux and now I'm afraid to make mistakes in both sides. Can anyone tell if this its possible? Or indicate some tutorial to do that?
Sorry my bad english.
Rui (Portugal)
Posts: 3
Joined: 19. June 2007 23:34

Postby davidspan » 05. July 2007 21:28

If your talking about your website's files, you shouldn't have any problems.

You might have to change the files permissions on ubuntu
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Postby marealta » 05. July 2007 22:55

I'm talking about everything. Because the site already has registered users, many articles and data bases. Can I transfer all to Linux. Will that gone be fine? Will i have no problems after moving it?
And what about Mysql an PHP? it's that a problem or it will assume all the collected data?
That's my worst fear! To loose everything that took so many hours to do.
Components and modules setup etc.
Thanks for your quick reply!
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Postby ldivinag » 09. July 2007 10:36

mysql data should be NO problem, if you use the proper backup procedure.

backup should create file(s) that contain a bunch of sql INSERT and CREATE TABLE statements.

as for the php scripts/pages, straight copy should work. only thing you might run into problems is stuff that is specific to windows like "c:/xampp/..." that are hard coded and must be linux'ed over...
leo d.
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