encoding problem with phpmyadmin

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encoding problem with phpmyadmin

Postby christophe » 11. May 2007 11:14


First of all, I really appréciate the quality of xampp, but I can't write nor read german.

I'm mainly using utf8 as i use both french and japanese in my databases.

I've encoded my forms so they are considered utf8 endoded : I can insert records and i can see them from my own code.

when I use phpmyadmin (, to insert or edit a record, though I modify or not a field encoded with accents (like éêèëàäôù) I can see it clean through phpmyadmin.

My problem is that if a record created through my form is clean (I can see it), after I edit and update this record through phpmyadmin (even if i don't type any accent), when i want to see them it appears the record is iso8859 encodead instead of utf8

Have you any idea to solve this problem ?

Posts: 8
Joined: 08. May 2007 11:23

Re: encoding problem with phpmyadmin

Postby christophe » 13. May 2007 10:06

christophe wrote:when I use phpmyadmin (, to insert or edit a record, though I modify or not a field encoded with accents (like éêèëàäôù) I can see it clean through phpmyadmin.

My problem is that if a record created through my form is clean (I can see it), after I edit and update this record through phpmyadmin (even if i don't type any accent), when i want to see them it appears the record is iso8859 encodead instead of utf8


This problem has been reported several times.

If you can read french, you may pick one instance following the link, it includes the solution for ( a former version of ?) phpmyadmin

I translate in english :

There are two dbi files in phpmyadmin/libraries/dbi, each does contain
a function PMA_DBI_connect($user, $password, $is_controluser = FALSE)

between "PMA_DBI_postConnect($link, $is_controluser);"and " return $link;
" it should be included those two lines :

mysql_query("SET SESSION CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS =latin1;",$link);
mysql_query("SET SESSION CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT =latin1;",$link);

I will try to contact phpmyadmin's team for them to patch their library.
Posts: 8
Joined: 08. May 2007 11:23

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