Why is MySQL twice slower on localhost than on the product ?

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Why is MySQL twice slower on localhost than on the product ?

Postby Pachat » 15. April 2007 21:31

When I run phpMyAdmin to show a list of the hundred tables of my site, it is more than two times slower on localhost than it is on my production site.

Under Vista, it is even worse than under XP.

I already changed my.ini from small systems to medium systems parameters. But it did not improve much.

How can I speed up things ?
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Joined: 15. April 2007 21:22

Postby Codesmith » 16. April 2007 23:35

What are the hardware/software differences between your development sever and your production server?

What are the approximate times involved? Twice as fast could mean 2 seconds vs 4 :)
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Postby Pachat » 17. April 2007 07:29

Here are the differences :

Local hardware :
Dell Inspiron 9400 / 2 GHz Dual Core / 2 Gb RAM / 160 Gb HD 5400 rpm
Vista Professionnal
FireFox 2.0
PHP 5.2.1 phpMyAdmin 2.9.2 MySQL 5.0.33 (xampp 1.6.0a)

Production site :
Shared server
PHP 4.4.4 phpMyAdmin MySQL 5.0.32

First call :
On the production site : 15 s.
Locally I have to wait : 15 s.

Subsequent calls :
On the production site : 5 s.
Locally I have to wait : 12 s.

I took phpmyadmin for it is easy to replicate for anyone.

But my main concern is for a Bug Tracking System (BTS) called FlySpray :

For instance, FlySpray's BTS shows up quickly

First call :
On the production site : 5 s.
Locally I have to wait : 15 s.

Subsequent calls :
On the production site : 4 s.
Locally I have to wait : 12 s.

Having to wait 10 s. between every screen when updating my own local BTS is far too long!

I changed localhost to, modified the RAM parameters in My.ini as I said : no huge improvment.

=> Looks like caching is not working properly locally (despite that I have 50 Mb cache in FireFox)
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It's Vista's fault

Postby Pachat » 27. April 2007 15:31

In fact, I've tested on an XP with half speed and memory than my dual core Vista laptop, with the same Firefox configuration on the same data :

- under XP : I get the local page in less than a second

- under Vista : it takes more than 10 seconds !!!

I know, XAMPP does not claim to be Vista compatible for now.
But this is the kind of surprise :roll: Vista may give to us on the next move.
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Postby Codesmith » 28. April 2007 00:44

Whenever Microsoft releases a new OS it takes people awhile to learn the changes, adapt the way they program and release new versions.

Only reason I run Vista now is because I build and repair PCs from time to time and so I need practical experience with Vista.

So I run Vista, but installed my test server and the rest of my development environment in a VMWare 6 Workstation virtual machine running XP.

That way I can do whatever I want to my PC without it affecting my development environment. I can even move it from system to system, or access it while dual booting to different OS.

Which is nice because I am close to installing XP as my real OS and running Vista inside the virtual machine :)
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why do you think that it is mysql?

Postby xyzdata » 26. July 2007 02:30

you use the same version of mysql (5x)
but different versions of php 4 and 5

i have seen with my own scripts that php5 is slower at a faktor 2

i dont understand that no one else seems to see this in the whole forum.

maybe some people can start this tread again.

thanks for answers
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