Can't locate htdocs folder.

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Can't locate htdocs folder.

Postby Dev » 13. August 2017 06:53

Morning all!

I'm just getting started with XAMPP as a way to learn PHP. The course displays a previous version of XAMPP, in which the instructor finds the htdocs folder within the XAMPP folder on the Applications menu. With this release, all I get in the Applications menu is the control panel, and a system search turns up absolutely nothing. Any guidance you can give me here will be greatly appreciated.

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XAMPP version: 7.1.7
Operating System: Mac OS X Sierra 10.12.6

Re: Can't locate htdocs folder.

Postby Altrea » 13. August 2017 09:36


If you want to follow a course, you should use the components and versions the course is showing too.
Otherwise it would be very difficult to follow because things and techniques are changing from time to time.

best wishes,
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Re: Can't locate htdocs folder.

Postby Dev » 13. August 2017 11:37

Hi Altrea,

As much as I'd love to do that, the presenter of the course doesn't mention which version he's using. In fact, he goes out of the way to address future upgrades by saying, essentially, "figure it out if your version is newer than mine."

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Re: Can't locate htdocs folder.

Postby lblampman » 24. August 2017 05:23

Altrea wrote:Hi,

If you want to follow a course, you should use the components and versions the course is showing too.
Otherwise it would be very difficult to follow because things and techniques are changing from time to time.

best wishes,

Rarely do I join a forum. The above asinine remark in response to a legitimate question posed by someone seeking information is one of the many reasons why. I wouldn't have bothered to join and respond at all but for the fact the responder is listed as a moderator. If this is indicative of the general level of support to be garnered here, then shame on the administrators of the forum. It's a response I would expect from teenagers on YouTube.

This is my first post here, looking for the same bit of information asked for by the OP, and maybe my last if the general nature displayed by the above response is indicative of the nature of this forum. It certainly gives one pause when contemplating posting a question. "Oh, that's right, I'm going to be told I'm stupid for not following directions and then not given the answer to the question, just for punishment". What a helpful place -- not.
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Re: Can't locate htdocs folder.

Postby Altrea » 24. August 2017 07:02

Hi lblampman,

lblampman wrote:I wouldn't have bothered to join and respond at all but for the fact the responder is listed as a moderator. If this is indicative of the general level of support to be garnered here, then shame on the administrators of the forum. It's a response I would expect from teenagers on YouTube.

First of all, my status as Forum Administrator has only one reason: keeping away spam from this board. Apart from this i am a normal user like you and everybody else here.
I am spending my free time here solving problems of other users without getting anything for it. This help has no requirement for success or quality except my very own opinion about what can help solving this issue. it is an offer.
It is your and everybodys personal choice to take this offer or not.

I am expecting that users following a course are doing this, because they want to learn something they don't know today. This means that a user cannot know whether or not it is important to install an environment having the same PHP Version, Admin GUIs, etc. It is important, it is essential.
If i would not recommend using the same tool as the presenter, but instead would provide help like where the htdocs folder is in that specific environment, it would only be a matter of time the next problem would occur (like "why is php function xyz is not available?"). Do you think that this is a base for following a tutorial efficiently? Do you want to bother about all the problems and differences your environment has compared to the environment the presenter uses? Or do you want to instead follow this tutorial and bother about learning the contents of this course?

If the presenter don't want to tell anything about the tools used and needed for the course than i would refund or try to find a different tutorial.

If you think that this advice does not fit your idea of support simply try providing better support yourself or search for a webserver stack support board providing that type of support you would expect.

best wishes,
We don't provide any support via personal channels like PM, email, Skype, TeamViewer!

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Re: Can't locate htdocs folder.

Postby Nobbie » 24. August 2017 10:40

lblampman wrote:What a helpful place -- not.

You are simply barking up the wrong tree. If you have a tutorial or a video (which nobody knows here), which shows any kind of "unknown" folders or files, why dont you ask the author of that tutorial or video? How can we know, if we even havent seen that tutorial nor that video? How can i know, what is meant with that tutorial/video? Why dont you help?

How strange is it, to ask here?! Only because the author mentioned "Xampp"??
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Re: Can't locate htdocs folder.

Postby xos » 04. October 2017 14:27

Dev wrote:Morning all!

I'm just getting started with XAMPP as a way to learn PHP. The course displays a previous version of XAMPP, in which the instructor finds the htdocs folder within the XAMPP folder on the Applications menu. With this release, all I get in the Applications menu is the control panel, and a system search turns up absolutely nothing. Any guidance you can give me here will be greatly appreciated.


Hi there,

It's unfortunate to see people posting unhelpful stuff! But I guess some folks have too much time on their hands.

Anyways Dev, this exact question is what brought me to this forum and this is what I had to figure out and worked for me. Hope it works for you too.

Start the XAMPP program > in the XAMPP box window click the Volume tab > then click the Mount tab > then click Explore and a new window will open up and there you will find the htdocs folder

Hope this helps :)
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Re: Can't locate htdocs folder.

Postby moominmamma » 10. October 2017 01:14

Just registered in order to thank xos for the response. It was exactly what I needed!

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