Missing Images on any PHP Script

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Missing Images on any PHP Script

Postby Vicente » 18. December 2005 17:12

I`ve a problem, when installing a script like PHPbb, xampp doesn`t display the images, i thought that maybe i didnt installed correctly but when installed a new script ( PostNuke ) the problem appear again so a searched for answers and i found the following:

under ### Section 2: 'Main' server configuration

i write the 2 lines:

#EnableSendfile Off
#EnableMMAP Off

the problem still and......
i write the 2 lines:

EnableSendfile Off
EnableMMAP Off

the problem still and......
i write the 2 lines:

EnableSendfile On
EnableMMAP On

all of this solutions dont resolve the problem

my httpd.conf file looks like this:

ExtendedStatus On

### Section 2: 'Main' server configuration
EnableSendfile On
EnableMMAP On
# The directives

im getting angry with this thing.....nothing seems to resolve this problem

does anyone knows how to resolve it exactly step by step?

or put a file that works on the net to download and make the things easier for everyone

i´ve installed succesfuly Mambo, PHP Nuke, Calendarix, PHPbb but xampp can´t display the images of those scripts on both sides...by localhost or by http: or by https:
Salu2 !
Posts: 2
Joined: 20. November 2005 05:00

Postby Hades » 19. December 2005 04:19

If you installed any php content software or forum software and used localhost, make the change to the actual IP address of the machine that is running the web server.

I found out the hard way by doing it myself and wanted to correct the situation. The other PC will try to look for the files on its hard drive at the same directory location, and if it is not there, no images, no CSS, and no php scripts.

This all depends on the distribution you are using. I had to make changes in Mambo and Xoops, but not php-Fusion.

Best to check what the settings are in the configuration.

I did not have to change any settings in the Apache httpd.conf.
Posts: 3
Joined: 19. December 2005 03:52

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