xampp - ashop software[why is mpp in my directory structure]

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xampp - ashop software[why is mpp in my directory structure]

Postby lessthan » 08. September 2005 17:41

I am installing shopping cart software (ashop software) in a xampp environment (Which installed lovely thank you very much......) and the shopping cart software can't seem to find its path.

I am getting these errors.

> Warning: main(c:\production
> mpp\htdocs\ashopdx40/admin/version.inc.php)
> [function.main]: failed to open stream: Invalid argument in
> C:\production\xampp\htdocs\ashopdx40\admin\config.inc.php on line 67
> Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening \'c:\production
> mpp\htdocs\ashopdx40/admin/version.inc.php\' for inclusion
> (include_path=\'.;C:\production\xampp\php\pear\') in
> C:\production\xampp\htdocs\ashopdx40\admin\config.inc.php on line 67
> I get the same kind of error for line 71.
> Here is the code.
> Line 66 // Version check...
> Line 67 include \"$ashoppath/admin/version.inc.php\";
> Line 68 if ($ashopversion != $version && !$updating) die(\"Error!
> Version mismatch! Run the update script.\"); Line 69
> Line 70 // Check that there is an ioncube loader for this version of
> PHP...
> Line 71 include \"$ashoppath/admin/checkion.inc.php\";

I included a print statement to the file to see what $ashopath would return and it returned:

c:\production mpp\htdocs\ashopdx40

the absolute path is c:\production\xampp\htdocs\ashopdx40

I am unfamiliar with PHP, and XAMPP. Can anyone tell me why this happens and how I should phrase my include statement?
Posts: 3
Joined: 08. September 2005 17:08

Re: xampp - ashop software[why is mpp in my directory struct

Postby UnbutCongee » 23. November 2023 17:58

After digging through some code snippets I found, I noticed the issue might be with this $ashoppath variable. You mentioned that the absolute path is c:\production\xampp\htdocs\ashopdx40, but the value of $ashoppath is c:\production mpp\htdocs\ashopdx40. The difference between the two paths is the space character in the second path. Seemed like a space was tripping things up between the production and mpp folders. Who puts a space in a file path anyway?!
Once I realized the value didn't match the actual path without that space, it all clicked into place. All I needed to do was tweak that one line in the config file to use the correct path instead of the buggy variable.
Posts: 2
Joined: 23. November 2023 17:45
XAMPP version: 8.2.12
Operating System: Windows 8

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