Xampp wont load GUI when I click "Go To Application", why?

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Xampp wont load GUI when I click "Go To Application", why?

Postby xavier69 » 03. August 2023 21:59

I recently installed Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon 4.6.7 and also updated.
I just installed xampp 8.2.4 successfully.
I have 1 user account set to Administrator.

When I run xampp from the terminal, everything is fine no errors.
I am trying to run the GUI display. When I run
Code: Select all
sudo ./manager-linux-x64.run
I get the startup interface.
However, when I click "Go To Application", I get the following error:
Code: Select all
Running Firefox as root in a regular user's session is not supported.

A few things to say here... First, I am not trying to run firefox as a root, XAMPP IS. Second, I switched Chrome as my default and rebooted the system to only get the same error (As many posts on the subject suggested). Third, I would try to run as a normal user as others suggested but it seems they got nowhere with that approach. Especially when you read that running firefox as a root is a known bug (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1206441). FOURTH BUT NOT LEAST, there are countless of people out here trying to figure this out and it seems nobody is getting anywhere! I read dozens of posts on the matter.
My first solution was to find the directive that is given to xampp in the config files, to use firefox as the default; and switch it, but could not find it in http.config, or any of the other config files. I looked in ALL of them! Furthermore, I could not find a single bit of info on just WHERE that directive is. AS I stated earlier,. firefox is no longer my default browser. What is going on here???

I have a screenshot to upload but it seems there is no direct way of uploading it here to the forum.

It would be nice if xampp would address this issue seriously, considering so many of us are struggling on the same subject.
Thanks in advance for any help. :)
Posts: 5
Joined: 03. August 2023 21:10
XAMPP version: 8.2.4
Operating System: Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon 4.6.7

Re: Xampp wont load GUI when I click "Go To Application", wh

Postby Nobbie » 04. August 2023 15:22

The Xampp GUi *must* run as root, as Apache and MySQL *must* be started as root.
On the other hand, it is a restriction of your distribution that the browsers *must not* run as root.

That is a contradiction which cannot be solved. Xampp is only a distribution, Bitnami does not develop the tools (neither Apache etc., nor the browsers).

I dont use the Xampp GUI (there is actually no need for it, its a toy, nothing else), i simply start Xampp as recommended in the FAQ via "sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start" in a terminal (see https://www.apachefriends.org/faq_linux.html, Chapter "How do I start XAMPP?"). You may also adapt the lampp startup script to your init.d in order to start and stop Xampp automatically when booting / shutting down. You should remember that Apache and MySQL are professional tools for running a webserver and these do not require a fancy GUI (most servers even dont have a graphic interface), but an educated administrator instead.
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Re: Xampp wont load GUI when I click "Go To Application", wh

Postby xavier69 » 04. August 2023 17:13

Thank you for your well described comment. That was some really useful information that Bitnami could have provide BEFORE I downloaded the install. Furthermore, all my digging around found nothing related to your description. Why is this description so hard to find?
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Joined: 03. August 2023 21:10
XAMPP version: 8.2.4
Operating System: Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon 4.6.7

Re: Xampp wont load GUI when I click "Go To Application", wh

Postby xavier69 » 04. August 2023 17:19

I dont use the Xampp GUI (there is actually no need for it, its a toy, nothing else)

On the other hand, that bit right there. That "toy" you are talking about allows me to navigate and perform commands with simple clicks, thereby saving me time. Running the terminal is tedious and time consuming and requires tons of knowledge. I am not lazy, on the contrary, I want to get back to my work, but I can't get programs setup effetively. Here I am days later and I have only installed a grand total of 2 programs, yes just 2.... arrrrg
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Joined: 03. August 2023 21:10
XAMPP version: 8.2.4
Operating System: Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon 4.6.7

Re: Xampp wont load GUI when I click "Go To Application", wh

Postby xavier69 » 04. August 2023 18:33

Some more questions...

Why on earth is Xampp trying to use a browser to run my GUI????I am trying to develop in an offline environment and that seems arbitrary to me that xampp would use a browser at all. On Windows Xampp does not appear to use a browser for anything. Or is there something I do not understand here?

Also, why does xampp still trying to run firefox anyway? It is my understanding that it just tries to run the default browser. I switched to chrome as my default. Anyway, it is a mute point because I really can't run any browser like that.

In the end, it seems my adventure to switch from windows to linux has become a royal pain in the rear. I am all for researching and studying and working hard, but this is a nightmare not even the experts would want to deal with. Call me old school, but command lines drive me absolutely mad. Not because I can't use them, but because it takes so much of my time away from my real work. At this point I feel like running back to windows as fast as I can!
Posts: 5
Joined: 03. August 2023 21:10
XAMPP version: 8.2.4
Operating System: Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon 4.6.7

Re: Xampp wont load GUI when I click "Go To Application", wh

Postby Nobbie » 04. August 2023 20:11

I also have questions:

1) Why do you want to install and run Xampp?
2) Why do you switch to Linux?

As far as you are describing yourself, you are not interested in knowlegde about software. No problem. Obviously, you want to play with your Computer. You are not interested in command line. You love GUIs.

Use Windows, dont use Xampp and you will be lucky.

but this is a nightmare not even the experts would want to deal with

No, that is plain nonsense. i am an expert and i want to deal with linux and commandline. Dont tell us things which you have no idea about. Use GUIs and you are done.
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Re: Xampp wont load GUI when I click "Go To Application", wh

Postby xavier69 » 04. August 2023 21:20

Why I want to run this software is really a personal choice. A choice I felt was not relevant to my question. Furthermore, I am an expert in my field. And I do not want to deal with this stuff on a regular basis. Let us stick to answering my questions, a few of which have not been answered:

For example, I still do not understand why xampp wants to run a browser.

P.S. I am using a GUI, Linux Mint. In fact, Mint sold me on the notion that I would be using GUI's. But in reality I am spending most of my time in the terminal. Bitnami also notioned a GUI, a GUI which apparently is useless in a linux environment.

EDIT: By the way, if you think about it, the terminal is a GUI. At least it is on Linux Mint. Complete with dropdown windows and all. In a window I can resize and commands I can use with mouse. Thereby, any Linux Mint user using the terminal is really just using a GUI.
Posts: 5
Joined: 03. August 2023 21:10
XAMPP version: 8.2.4
Operating System: Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon 4.6.7

Re: Xampp wont load GUI when I click "Go To Application", wh

Postby Nobbie » 05. August 2023 11:42

xavier69 wrote:For example, I still do not understand why xampp wants to run a browser.

Its not Xampp. Its yourself. Xampp is a distribution, a webserver stack.

There is a graphical tool which can be used to start the servers. Bitnami recommends to start the servers via a batch script. Already that is not necessary, you could start the servers as designed from their developers. And there is also a GUI which can start the servers, but its also not necessary to use it. And there is an additional button to start a local browser, as most users runs their local website in their local browser. There is no need at all to start a browser via that button. Thats you, you are pressing the button. Simply start your browser via your start menu and request localhost instead.

If you want to start your browser via the Xampp manager, you must go for a linux distribution which allows browsers running by root. Xampp is running binary compatible on many different distributions, its on you to choose the distribution which fits your wishes. You could start Xampp via commandline, this works on most distributions. You also could start your browser via the normal entry in your start menu.

Its all on you. Bitnami wont solve your problems with your browser. Finally, if you feel unhappy with either Xampp or Linux Mint, dont use these. I am happy with both of these, but nobody is forced to use them. Go back to Windows, dont run webservers on your PC.
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Re: Xampp wont load GUI when I click "Go To Application", wh

Postby thaiiceland » 14. August 2023 08:55

I am a Linux Mint user as well, and I love to use GUI when possible (like you). It is nothing wrong to love Linux and using it with GUI. I have been using Linux Mint for about 15 years now, and even I know some terminal things, I prefer the GUI way.

Like the Nobbie said, this button you are always pressing, is to open the browser, not to open anything else, and Linux Mint and other Linux won't allow browser's to be open as a Root.

Even to open Xampp I want ot do it the "easy" way so in the /home/(your user)/.local/share/applications/ (remember to change (your user) to your username) I did make 2 files.
One I named xampp.sh and in that file I typed
Code: Select all

pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY /opt/lampp/manager-linux-x64.run

The other file I named xampp.desktop
Code: Select all
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Apache2, MarinDB, PHP, Python, Perl
Exec="/home/(your user)/.local/share/applications/xampp.sh"

(remember to change the (your user) to your username)

Now you have a startup entry from your start button. Click on it and you get a prompt for a password. Type in your password and the Xampp GUI will apper.
Hope you will like using Linux Mint as me and many other Linux Mint user.

Kjarri - thaiiceland
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XAMPP version: 8.2.4-0
Operating System: Linux Mint 21.2

Re: Xampp wont load GUI when I click "Go To Application", wh

Postby thaiiceland » 15. August 2023 22:26

I forgot that you need to allow the xampp.sh file to be executable. You can do it by the Terminal or for non-terminal people, you can just right-click on that file and select Properties and in the Permission tab select Allow executing file as a program (you maybe know this but better to mention it).
I usually use the GUI way, because I don't need to do this very often and I never remember the numbers for different permissions. It will take me time to start search the internet to find these information's so for me it is quicker to use the GUI way.
Posts: 2
Joined: 14. August 2023 08:32
XAMPP version: 8.2.4-0
Operating System: Linux Mint 21.2

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