Query syntax on Xampp does not work on typical Linux MySQL

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Query syntax on Xampp does not work on typical Linux MySQL

Postby letinsh » 07. September 2017 20:21


Have anybody experienced the situation when query, insert, update syntax used when developed app under Xampp - does not work if you put the app on newly installed Ubundtu server. Browser shows enormos errors and actually app does not work because query syntax does not work.
I installed Xamp on VM- put the app there - everything works, moved it to regular server - does not...
After analysis it is obvious that MySQL on Xampp is somehow configured in a way which is different from typical Ubuntu installation.
Any suggestion how to handle this - what those special settings? or need to rewrite all queries, inserts and updates to run app on typical server.

Simple example insert in DB when you define only values for 2 fields where there are 4 fields in DB - works in Xampp, but under typical Linux MySQL does not, you have to define values for all 4 fields - then it works... Also Group by under Xampp works if the aggregating function defined on 4 fields, but group by only by one field - under Xampp works perfectly under Ubuntu - does not. I understand that syntax used under Xampp is not ISO standard query, but it works... where it does not under typical server.

Thank you for thoughts and suggestions.
I have XAMPP 7.1.8 under Windows and Mac.
Posts: 2
Joined: 07. September 2017 20:09
XAMPP version: 7.1.8
Operating System: Windows 10

Re: Query syntax on Xampp does not work on typical Linux MyS

Postby letinsh » 07. September 2017 21:51

Is it because XAMPP have MariaDB but standard Ubuntu MySQL?
Would that be the reason. So installing MariaDB on Ubuntu would solve the problem?
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Joined: 07. September 2017 20:09
XAMPP version: 7.1.8
Operating System: Windows 10

Re: Query syntax on Xampp does not work on typical Linux MyS

Postby Nobbie » 08. September 2017 09:33

I think its all a question of my.cnf or of command line options that are passed to mysqld on startup. See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/sql-mode.html for all the different behaviour and last not least procede to an Ubuntu forum, as you want to change the behaviour of Ubuntu and not the behaviour of Xampp.
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