I am getting a Password error, maybe?

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I am getting a Password error, maybe?

Postby amgoss » 18. June 2015 23:34

I just finished installing the XAMPP following Bill Weinman who teaches MySQL for lynda.com. Everything is going well, was able to install the sample databases he has and so I am ready to set up the SID website. I used http://localhost:8080/SID/sid.php to run the SID but I am getting the following error:

Error while constructing PDO object: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'sid'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

I have the password in the sid.php file. Is there another file I should be checking to see if a password should be defined there, maybe a config file.

I am also getting the following message in the middle of the SID screen:

Notice: Undefined variable: dbh in C:\XAMPP\htdocs\SID\sid.php on line 128
the code looks like this:

if($dbh) {
// set exception mode for errors (why is this not the default?)
// this is far more portable for different DB engines than trying to
// parse error codes
$SID['dbh'] = $dbh;
} else {

I am running version 3.2.1 of the XAMPP on a Wndows 8.1 laptop. I am using a local server. Any other information I need for somebody to help me.
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Re: I am getting a Password error, maybe?

Postby Nobbie » 19. June 2015 13:24

You are probably wrong here, this is the Xampp Forum, not a SID forum. I dont know SID and have never heard about it. All messages and errors are related to SID, not to Xampp.
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Re: I am getting a Password error, maybe?

Postby amgoss » 19. June 2015 14:06

SID is an app that runs in XAMPP so you can create, update, insert and add columns to a database in a windows style format almost like Access. Since I am so new to XAMPP there might be other open source apps out there that can do the same. Can anybody recommend one.
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Re: I am getting a Password error, maybe?

Postby Nobbie » 19. June 2015 14:27

amgoss wrote:SID is an app that runs in XAMPP so you can create, update, insert and add columns to a database in a windows style format almost like Access.

"Xampp" is not a software, Xampp is a distribution, a collection of different tools. The distributed software is Apache (for Webservers), MySQL (for SQL Database), PHP (for dynamic HTML Pages) etc.

If you need an Online Tool, you may need Apache and MySQL. If SID runs on Apache, MySQL and PHP, you may install Xampp. But you also may install Apache, MySQL and PHP manual on yourself. Anyway, SID needs to be configured properly, and this is not part of Apache, MySQL or PHP. Its SID, and SID only. Therefore you should ask in a SID Forum.

If you do not need a Webserver for your "Access like" software, you may ofcourse download and install LibreOffice. This is a full featured Office Suite for free. Even already Xampp delivers a proper tool called "PhpMyAdmin", which is a GUI frontend to the SQL Database MySQL and which is programmed in PHP. I dont know, whats the goal of your project, therefore I cannot say, which tools suites best for your desire.

Anyway, currently you do not have a Xampp Problem, you have a SID problem.

P.S.: I cannot find any tool called SID - where did you find that software? You have a link for me?
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Re: I am getting a Password error, maybe?

Postby glitzi85 » 20. June 2015 11:55

Did you follow the instructions: http://bw.org/ldcsql/
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Re: I am getting a Password error, maybe?

Postby CarmineT » 12. July 2016 09:45

I hav ethe same issue, do you have resolved it?What is was?

Note that I then check and downloaded both SID and CRUD folder updated by Bill Weinman

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Re: I am getting a Password error, maybe?

Postby CarmineT » 12. July 2016 09:48

I have fix it, in the sid.php file, the user name is wrong, is set to "web" instead of SID
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Re: I am getting a Password error, maybe?

Postby ASH_KC » 23. February 2020 06:15

I am getting the same error, and user name is SID. I am truly clueless now on how to resolve this ...
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XAMPP version: 3.2
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