Setting up XAMPP for mysql/localhost

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Setting up XAMPP for mysql/localhost

Postby sarmirey » 14. October 2019 03:21

Hi everyone,

I have two questions on setting up the environment for XAMPP.

I have tried editing my bash_profile to include the following:

export PATH=/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin:$PATH
export PATH

However, when I run http://localhost/xampp. It is not working.

2) When I run mysql MariaDB is able to run perfectly. However when I try to create a database as the following
CREATE DATABASE my_guitar_shop2;

It gives me this error: Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database 'my_guitar_shop2'

If anyone has any idea that would be great :). Thank you.
Posts: 1
Joined: 14. October 2019 03:13
XAMPP version: 7.1.32-1
Operating System: MAC OS

Re: Setting up XAMPP for mysql/localhost

Postby Nobbie » 14. October 2019 11:15

sarmirey wrote:Hi everyone,

I have two questions on setting up the environment for XAMPP.

I have tried editing my bash_profile to include the following:

export PATH=/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin:$PATH
export PATH

However, when I run http://localhost/xampp. It is not working.

1) The PATH of your system has NOTHING to do which sites are running on your Xampp. There is no use in your PATH settings.
2) The folder ./xampp does not exist in localhost, therefore the request failes with Error 404.

For the mysql access you have a apply userid and password (i.e. "root" and no password). The error message tells you, that you did not login and there is no valid user specified. Why dont you use phpmyadmin instead?

sarmirey wrote:If anyone has any idea that would be great :). Thank you.

What about reading the basic Xampp OSX FAQ? See
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