Convert MariaDB to InnoDB

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Convert MariaDB to InnoDB

Postby Acmiron » 26. May 2018 15:13

Hello Forum,
on my local server running XAMPP version xampp-win32-7.0.21-0-VC14 under windows 10 professional I have created a joomla website.
Then I have exported the Database and uploaded it to the Server of my provider. The import of the database results in an error, because
the database is based on MariaDB. Unfortunately the provider does not support a database created with MariaDB.

Header of the created database:
<br />
<b>Warning</b>: Unknown: Input variables exceeded 1000. To increase the limit change max_input_vars in php.ini. in <b>Unknown</b> on line <b>0</b><br />
-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version 4.7.0
-- Host:
-- Generation Time: May 26, 2018 at 03:05 PM
-- Server version: 10.1.25-MariaDB -------------------> Provider does not support MariaDB
-- PHP Version: 7.0.21

I have set the amount of input variables to 4000 and collation to utf8mb4_general_ci.

How can I convert MariaDB to InnoDB?
Thanks in advance for your support.
Kind regards,
Posts: 8
Joined: 26. May 2018 14:40
XAMPP version: 7.0.21-0-VC14
Operating System: Windows 10 Professional

Re: Convert MariaDB to InnoDB

Postby Nobbie » 26. May 2018 17:50

Acmiron wrote:How can I convert MariaDB to InnoDB?

That is not the problem, there is no "MariaDB" database. The Xampp SQL Server (NOT the database) is MariaDB, but that is the Server. The Server MariaDB also supports InnoDB (InnoDB is a so called "Engine", and that is supported on all instances of MariaDB).

The problem is somewhere else, the export file (usually a *.sql text file including SQL Statements) seems to contain more than 1000 PHP variables. I dont know what kind of export/import you are running, but an amount of more then 1000 variables is very very strange. This error would also happen if you are running MySQL instead of MariaDB. You should ask in a Joomla forum for support. There *should* be a Joomla export/import (inside of Joomla), and if not, ask them how to overcome the problem with this huge amount of variables. It has nothing to do with MariaDB, as MariaDB is only your local Server, its not a "Database", neither an Engine.
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: Convert MariaDB to InnoDB

Postby Acmiron » 27. May 2018 14:44

Nobbie wrote:
Acmiron wrote:How can I convert MariaDB to InnoDB?

Thank you for the information.
I have passed the issue to the provider, because the problem is at their site. It is not even possible to re-import the
exported, saved database.
Posts: 8
Joined: 26. May 2018 14:40
XAMPP version: 7.0.21-0-VC14
Operating System: Windows 10 Professional

Re: Convert MariaDB to InnoDB

Postby Nobbie » 27. May 2018 15:06

I have googled for that error and i strongly believe, that you are running a wrong backup procedure. The error message comes from a huge HTML Form (a table with many columns from your database), which you choose to "export" in some way (i never did that in that manner). Each field in that huge table results in a PHP variable, which then are sent to a PHP script in order to backup that data. But this exceeds PHPs capacities, you cannot create thousands of variables in PHP.

You should go for a different backup procedure, there is an Export/Import button (or option or whatever) within PhpMyAdmin, which backups full tables from databases and not from displayed tables. Thats the way you should go. I dont think your provider will help you on that, as it isnt his problem.
Posts: 13233
Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: Convert MariaDB to InnoDB

Postby Acmiron » 02. June 2018 13:53

Thanks for the information.
The problem was not the amount of input variables.
The hosting provider does not support data generated with the MariaDB Server, only MySQL.
Posts: 8
Joined: 26. May 2018 14:40
XAMPP version: 7.0.21-0-VC14
Operating System: Windows 10 Professional

Re: Convert MariaDB to InnoDB

Postby Nobbie » 02. June 2018 17:33

No, thats totally wrong, it has NOTHING to do with MariaDB, what is binary replacement of MySQL. You should not believe to that Voodoo trash.
Posts: 13233
Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

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