vhost does not go to its doc root

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vhost does not go to its doc root

Postby coldje » 14. January 2021 03:14

The primary web site https://drcold.pro comes up with its doc root at /opt/lampp/htdocs and is defined in httpd-ssl.conf. A vhost is defined in httpd-vhosts.conf provided here. No matter what I do, http://jeffc.website does not bring up its doc root: /opt/lampp/htdocs/jeffc, it brings up the primary doc root. In fact, http://jeffc.website/jeffc will bring up the the correct doc root. I'm doing something wrong.

ServerAdmin coldje@msn.com
DocumentRoot "/opt/lampp/htdocs/jeffc"
ServerName jeffc.local
ServerAlias www.jeffc.website
ErrorLog "logs/jeffc.website-error_log"
CustomLog "logs/jeffc.website-access_log" common
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Re: vhost does not go to its doc root

Postby coldje » 14. January 2021 03:47

I fixed it. I'm a little confused about *which* httpd.conf file XAMPP uses. There's one in /opt/lampp/apache2/conf/ and another one httpd.conf at in /opt/lampp/etc.
I was missing the Include --> pointing to the httpd-vhosts.conf file.
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