How to redirect/proxy requests for webservice DLL?

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How to redirect/proxy requests for webservice DLL?

Postby Flattit » 26. November 2018 13:14


I have a server on which Apache 2.4 is configured to handle the execution of a webservice DLL.

In the httpd.conf file I added these lines...

ScriptAlias /ISAPI/ "c:/Apache24/ISAPI/"

<Directory "c:/Apache24/ISAPI">
AllowOverride None
Options ExecCGI
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
AddHandler isapi-handler .dll

I can invoke the WSDL ( and the webservice methods correctly.

Now I installed on another server (let's call it myServerB) Apache 2.4 and I'd like to configure Apache in a way that it receives the requests for the above webservice and redirects them to myServerA. I want that the DLL is handled by myServerA and myServerB only turns to it the requests.

myServerB is configured to use ProxyPass and I'd like to use it to achieve the goal.

On myServerB I added these lines...

ProxyPass /ISAPI/ http://myServerA/
ProxyPassReverse /ISAPI/ http://myServerA/

... but I get this error when I try to call from the webbrowser...
You don't have permission to access /ServersSoapISAPI.dll on this server.

Could you kindly help me in solving the problem?

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Re: How to redirect/proxy requests for webservice DLL?

Postby Nobbie » 26. November 2018 19:43

Flattit wrote:Forbidden
You don't have permission to access /ServersSoapISAPI.dll on this server.

Unfortunately, for an unknown reason you skipped the most important information all in all: the error code. It should be either 404 oder 403 - but as long as you suppress it, nobody can help you.

P.S.: Anyway, your configuration is outdated and wrong. For Apache 2.4 you MUST NOT use "Allow From ...". Instead of

Code: Select all
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

you should use

Code: Select all
Require all granted

And please(!) urgently read
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