Self-hosting with XAMPP

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Self-hosting with XAMPP

Postby bradzo » 08. August 2010 06:53

Hi everyone!

Glad to be here. My name is Brad, I'm from Australia, and I've used XAMPP to set up a public website (from home) about how to set up a public website (from home) using XAMPP. :)

I've got some lessons up and running now - check out my signature for the web address - and will be adding some more content as soon as I can.

For everyone who has posted here with problems etc, it really isn't that hard. I wish I could dump my brain onto some sort of medium and let you all download it so that you understand it all just like I do. Truly - its not that difficult.

My sites have been running on XAMPP for over a year, and I've not had one iota of problems. And all this, from a home computer having a dynamic IP address to serving content to the entire world. Its completely possible, and I really want to make a difference in this space - and to help anyone to get their own web server running on their own computer from home.

Imagine the possibilities!

Anyway, I've said enough now - but I hope from my comments above that you get that I really believe in this stuff, and find it compulsively compulsive! :)

I'm glad to meet you all - I'll be checking in daily to see new posts, and hopefully, give you answers to get yourself online using XAMPP.

Run your own website from home using XAMPP.
Posts: 7
Joined: 08. August 2010 05:23
Location: Australia

Re: Self-hosting with XAMPP

Postby wxyh5210 » 08. August 2010 07:46

Hi,Brad,glad to see you again.I have visited your site. It's very wonderful to do it in home. Thank you for your help! :D
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Re: Self-hosting with XAMPP

Postby bradzo » 08. August 2010 08:00

hey wxyh5210

Thank you!

How far have you got in terms of getting yourself online?

Let me know, please - I'm really excited to get a reply, but even more excited that someone wants to know how to get themselves online.

Please let me know - here or on my site - I've changed the comments thing on WordPress there - you have to go through the wp-recaptcha plugin now. :)

And if anyone wants to know how to implement the wp-recaptcha plugin, please let me know! Its really easy!

Thanks to everyone.

Run your own website from home using XAMPP.
Posts: 7
Joined: 08. August 2010 05:23
Location: Australia

Re: Self-hosting with XAMPP

Postby livi.b » 16. August 2010 00:15

Cool, this is exactly what I was looking for, I was actually going to start a new topic asking how to do this. Turns out my client's host doesn't support databases and I'm too embarrassed to ask him to upgrade it... it's just temporary for now until he decides he likes the site. My question is, is this safe and secure? I'm a bit afraid that my computer will be wide open to the public, but I'm not done reading through your lessons so I'm assuming that it will be covered?
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Re: Self-hosting with XAMPP

Postby bradzo » 16. August 2010 11:38

Hi Livi!

Yes, your computer will be open to the public.
Having said that though, my server hasn't been compromised in any way (yet - fingers crossed! :))
I've outlined some initial XAMPP securing to-do items, but there are way more you can find on the Internet.

Here's something you might want to check out:
Don't let that page bring you down though - its all good stuff.

So don't worry too much - get the site working for your client on localhost first, secure it using the resources you'll find, then, and only then, open your computer to the world. I really should update my site to mention that... ;)

Hey, and thanks for subscribing to my list! :)

(Mods - dreadful self-promotion I know.... please PM me if I go to far - but I really want to get people up to speed on this - and I really want people to get online)

Run your own website from home using XAMPP.
Posts: 7
Joined: 08. August 2010 05:23
Location: Australia

Re: Self-hosting with XAMPP

Postby Kazutora » 05. May 2023 10:47

bradzo wrote:Hi everyone!

Glad to be here. My name is Brad, I'm from Australia, and I've used XAMPP to set up a public website (from home) about how to set up a public website (from home) using XAMPP. :)
I've got some lessons up and running now - check out my signature for the web address - and will be adding some more content as soon as I can.

Is the site not working anymore? I tried visiting the link mentioned in your signature, but the site is not opening. Can you share the link to the site again?Image
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Joined: 05. May 2023 10:30
XAMPP version: 8.2.4
Operating System: Windows

Re: Self-hosting with XAMPP

Postby Altrea » 05. May 2023 13:16

Kazutora wrote:Is the site not working anymore? I tried visiting the link mentioned in your signature, but the site is not opening. Can you share the link to the site again?Image

Here you are: ... roduction/
But the information is very very dated. You should search for a better tutorial for your needs.
We don't provide any support via personal channels like PM, email, Skype, TeamViewer!

It's like porn for programmers 8)
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Re: Self-hosting with XAMPP

Postby Nobbie » 05. May 2023 13:23

Kazutora wrote:Can you share the link to the site again?

Kidding?? That posting from Brad is from 2010(!), thirteen years old! The last visit from "bradzo" was in 01. March 2011 23:10 ..... :(
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