XAMPP for Solaris?

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XAMPP for Solaris?

Postby PhanOS » 06. October 2003 16:52

Are there currently plans to make a version for Solaris on SPARC?
It would be nice to have the same good thing on the major commecial Unices just like on Linux.


Postby Oswald » 06. October 2003 17:33

Hi PhanOS!

"same good thing": thank you very much. :)

About Solaris: I'm sorry to say but it doen't look good. I've no Solaris machine to work with and without Solaris it's hard to build a XAMPP version for Solaris. :( I've access to many Solaris machines at University but only as normal user and not as root. And I need root access...

But if someone has a testing Solaris machine running somewhere (and is giving me root access) I will likely try to build a Solaris version.

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