Apache eat 99% CPU Time!!

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Apache eat 99% CPU Time!!

Postby Brumie » 31. August 2003 20:43

I've been use wampp 1.1 is good and stable but now upgrading to xampp 0.9 apache eats my 99% CPU time!

what's wrong?? anyone can solve this problem?

Memory 512
CPU Pentium 4 - 1.8 GHz

Postby nemesis » 31. August 2003 22:06

when both apache tasks need 99/100% usage for the first 10 secs or more, its normal, mod_perl need the most cpu cycles :) you disable mod_perl in the httpd.conf, or simple run the install script that do it for you.

when it runs longer than 30sec or so, and you don't see a page after http://localhost/ in your browser, please check that no running firewall blocks the apache (port 80) or


there are a link for the mc afee firewall and virusscanner software....
i think its more a mc monkey ;) in german mc affe, nice typo :)
Ubuntu 18.04 | SMP P3 1.4 GHz | 6 GByte RegECC | 74 GByte Seagate 15k5 system | 3Ware 9550SXU-4LP with 4x 500 GByte Seagate ES2 Raid 10 data | StoreCase DE400 | PX-230A | Intel Pro/1000MT Dual PCI-X
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Postby Brumie » 17. September 2003 07:39

hi thanks for the reply

i changed antivirus and its works stable now :)
well i spend some bucks to buy new one lol

xampp oh xampp :)

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