Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.


Postby sylfide » 10. February 2007 20:33

First of all :
de- Ich habe deutsche Sprache gelernt und viel vergessen. Meine Entschuldigungen dafür.
en- I've learnt German and I forgot a lot. All my excuses for it.

It seems to me that my issue should be widely expressed. Here it is :
I've made many experiments with XAMPP, with many CMS, and that really works fine.
Currently, I'm trying to combine two objectives.
- The first one is to use XAMPP and complementary products in order to create data (that I can do);
- The second one relates to distributing the created data (read-only mode) to lots of people on CDROM. I must recognize that I'm really hopeless in that matter.

Is there some expert which could explain in a very simple manner to us (maybe, I'm not the only one in this world in such a situation) what to do in order to :
- transfert sites to CDROMs ;
- install some "autorun" file onto the CD.
Many thanks to guys or girls answering this desesperate message.

Thank's for all.
Posts: 2
Joined: 10. February 2007 19:44

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