Problems with uploading files

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Problems with uploading files

Postby cvdbAdmin » 20. January 2007 02:11

I am trying to setup a website where professors can upload videos to a streaming server. I have an HTML form that posts to a php script. The form has a field called video_file where they can browse for the video on their local system and submit it to the system. This all works with smaller files but whenever I try to upload anything from 30MB or larger, it chokes. The choke happens when I run the isset($_FILES['video_file']) function. For some reason it doesn't pass this test. I tried removing that function and it just choked later on. It is as if the file isn't getting sent. The other interesting thing about this is that the larger the file the longer it takes to reach this error. This leads me to believe that the file is getting sent somewhere.

Please Help!!!!
Posts: 17
Joined: 19. January 2007 22:19

Postby Izzy » 20. January 2007 02:22

The various max size limits might be the issue.

Check the xampp\apache\bin\php.ini file for these sections and edit to suit.
Backup the file first and restart apache after editing.
Then try again and see if it helps.
Code: Select all
; Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept.
post_max_size = 16M

Code: Select all
; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 16M
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Postby cvdbAdmin » 22. January 2007 21:39

I tried that and it didn't seem to work. Any other ideas?
Posts: 17
Joined: 19. January 2007 22:19

Postby cvdbAdmin » 22. January 2007 23:13

Okay, I have some more information on this. I checked the error.log file to see if that might give some helpful information but it didn't. But I did check the access.log file and that brought up something that might help.
When it worked the end of each line was HTTP/1.1" 200 376
When it didn't work, however, it end was HTTP/1.1" 200 343
I am guessing that this isn't a coincidence but I can't seem to find anything online that tells me what 343 or 376 mean. I know that the 200 means that the page request was successful. If anyone out there knows what these other codes are or can give me a reference to a place online where that is explained it would be very helpful.
Posts: 17
Joined: 19. January 2007 22:19

Postby cvdbAdmin » 22. January 2007 23:51

Okay, I figured out what those numbers are. They are the size of the object returned to the client. Since I keep getting the same error message, it was giving me the same number each time so that doesn't help me much. I could still use some help here though.
Posts: 17
Joined: 19. January 2007 22:19

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