XAMPP worked for some weeks and now I can't use it

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Postby Izzy » 30. November 2006 02:57

Your quick - just spotted your EDIT and am compiling another post with the solution, I hope.
Last edited by Izzy on 30. November 2006 03:51, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Izzy » 30. November 2006 03:14

Tasc0 wrote:...Well, just tried with the apache_start.bat and I get an error:
Code: Select all
Diese Eingabeforderung nicht waehrend des Running beenden
Bitte erst bei einem gewollten Shutdown schliessen
Please close this command only for Shutdown
Apache 2 is starting ...
(OS 10048)S¾lo se permite un uso de cada direcci¾n de socket (protocolo/direcci¾
n de red/puerto)  : make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs

This System Error message in English tells us:
OS 10048 Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.

Good news that as it is now possible to solve the mystery.

The above error is telling us that something else is using the port but the port check tells us otherwise so there must be sticky service in the registry that is hogging the port.
Or a firewall restriction on port 80, however you say you have diabled all your firewalls.
So it's more than likey a sticky service on port 80 that will continue to load everytime you reboot your system. So we have to get rid of it if we can.

First open a command prompt (Click on Start/Run.../ type cmd.exe click OK) and issue this set of commands which will clear any services that might not have been cleared in the registry.
First close the control panel if it is running.

sc delete mysql
sc delete apache2
sc delete "FileZilla Server"

Click Enter after each.

Now try again to start the server using the bat file and see if you still get the error. If all is fine close the bat file window and try and start all your services again which ever way you prefer.

If not then post back and let me know as there are more solutions to try now we have the major clue.
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Postby Tasc0 » 01. December 2006 02:54

Code: Select all
Diese Eingabeforderung nicht waehrend des Running beenden
Bitte erst bei einem gewollten Shutdown schliessen
Please close this command only for Shutdown
Apache 2 is starting ...

Code: Select all
Diese Eingabeforderung nicht waehrend des Running beenden
Please dont close Window while MySQL is running
MySQL is trying to start
Please wait  ...
MySQL is starting with mysql\bin\my.cnf (console)
061130 22:52:54 [Note] mysql\bin\mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '5.0.27-community'  socket: ''  port: 3306  MySQL Community Edition (GP

Nothing happends.
By the way, I don't use FileZilla.
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Postby Izzy » 01. December 2006 03:43

What do you mean 'nothing happens'?
It looks to me like both apache and mysql have started just fine - no error messages.

Did you try and access http://localhost with both the console windows open after you started using the bat file?

Did you check that mysqld.exe and 2 instances of apache.exe are running using the Windows Task Manager?
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Postby Tasc0 » 01. December 2006 04:13

I have both windows open now and I see apache.exe and mysqld.exe on the procces but I still can't access localhost.
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Postby Izzy » 01. December 2006 05:11

Tasc0 wrote:I have both windows open now and I see apache.exe and mysqld.exe on the procces but I still can't access localhost.

What browser are you using?

Again use the bat files to start Apache and MySQL and keep the console windows open and try the following:

If you have more than 1 browser installed try and use another browser to access http://localhost.
Also try http://localhost/xampp/
Also try
Also try

Paste here any errors you get back from your browser.

Please check your PM and do what I requested.
We are close now to resolving this as you don't get any errors when you start Apache and MySQL like you had before.

Also where did you install XAMPP to? (the default path like C:\Program Files\xampp\alltheotherfilesanddirectorys or c:\xampp\alltheotherfilesanddirectorys)

Did you install to the default directory?

If you installed to other than the default did you run the xampp\setup_xampp.bat to have it set all your paths correctly?
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Postby Tasc0 » 01. December 2006 15:52

I used IE and Firefox to access localhost and I don't get any errors. Just keep loading.
I have installed XAMMP in C:\xampp\xampp
Code: Select all
  # ApacheFriends XAMPP setup win32 Version 1.5                          #
  # Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Apachefriends                                #
  # Authors: Kay Vogelgesang <kvo@apachefriends.org>                     #
  #          Carsten Wiedmann <webmaster@wiedmann-online.de>             #

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Postby Izzy » 02. December 2006 00:32

There is nothing left now as we have tried all things possible that relate to any XAMPP issues and because you say you have also had failures to connect to localhost with other server software you have tried, then you must suspect you have a corrupt OS and a possible reformat of the HD and a reinstall of your OS might be in order.
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Postby Tasc0 » 02. December 2006 00:51

But why it worked form some weeks?
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Postby Izzy » 02. December 2006 04:53

Tasc0 wrote:But why it worked form some weeks?
It worked for some weeks because all was in order then something happened to break things and only you can know when and what you were doing at the time it stopped working.

Did you set any proxies anywhere on your system to use
Check both your browsers to make sure that no proxy has been set inadvertently. You do know where to look?

Did you change any browser configurations that might effect local server access?

Are you on a LAN and trying to access localhost from a computer other than the one the web server is on?

Start asking questions on the Windows help forums and on the forums of the other servers you tried to get working with localhost.

Do a Google for 'can't access localhost' and see what others have done.

Are you using Skype?

Do you still have IIS activated?

The rest is up to you now as you are the only one who can look into your computer and see what is wrong.

Just one last thing I can suggest you try:
Remember the Listen 80 change I asked you to do in the PM?
Well change that line again to
Listen 8080
Then go to http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.

If that don't work then change that same line to
Then go to in your browser.

If neither work for you then don't forget to put that line back to Listen 80 so it remains in the default state.

There is nothing more I can suggest you try as we have covered everything that I can think of that is server related to your problem.

You will have to look at your PC's OS from here on in and try and locate what changed to cause this localhost issue that has obviously effected more than just the XAMPP server software.

Good luck with it and please post back here if you eventually find what caused your problem and how you fixed it, just in case other members or guest visitors to the forums are looking for answers for a similar issue.
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Postby Tasc0 » 02. December 2006 18:06

Listen didn't work. It keeps loading.
What's ISS? And no, I don't have Skype :S
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