Virtual Host setup All sites show Access forbidden!

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Virtual Host setup All sites show Access forbidden!

Postby romanobstuder » 12. June 2006 11:59

Hi all
I just installed 1.5.3a (I previously had 1.4.11).
Everything worked well. xampp page showed.
Then I included some Virtual Host sites.
Non of the sites work. They all show an apache errormessage "Access forbidden!
All the sites worked under 1.4.11. I did not change anything on the folder privileges. After getting the messages I played around with the priviledges but had no success. (BTW I am a Mac/UNIX user, I did find the way Windows displays priviledges a bit odd, maybe somebody gives me a hint how to make sure a folder and its content is readable)

Any hints or ideas greatly appreciated.

Thanks Romano
Posts: 2
Joined: 26. January 2005 12:37

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