mysql stored procedures

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

mysql stored procedures

Postby elena » 20. April 2006 18:18

am running mysql 5.0.15 on mac os (installed from xampp package)

When I try to create a stored procedure, I get the error "mysql.proc' table does not exist (I think I have privileges to view anything)

Indeed, when I look at "mysql" database, I don't see a table called "proc", even though based on manuals it should be there.

I am new to both mysql and mac os, basically, what do I do? If the easiest way is to upgrate the version my msql, I'd do that - but then - how do I do that over the existing (and working_ xampp package (that oncluced apache, php with pear, mysql etc etc)?

Thanks a lot!
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Joined: 23. February 2006 08:10

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