Mercury Mail Email Settings - Cant Send Emails

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Mercury Mail Email Settings - Cant Send Emails

Postby XamppRocks » 05. March 2006 15:05

Hey Guys i tried and did my settings of mercury mail as said but i cant still send emails through the server

any 1 else having such a problem
Posts: 14
Joined: 26. February 2006 17:18

Postby WorldDrknss » 06. March 2006 02:57

if you tried your isp account, and a bluebottle account, and neither one worked you will need to call your isp and ask them if they allow relaying with there servers, if they do ask them for them for information about there smtp server and see if they allow you to use it. If you have an email address through your isp, you can relay mail through there system. you just have to make sure to use the proper server, like or

here a list of some isp smtp servers.

if you can't find your isp on that list, do a simple google search for your isp smtp server. and type in your isp name and type smtp server in the google seach box, example; sbc yahoo smtp server.

Not to be mean;
But please use google first, if you unable to find information there, then post in the forums.

Once again good luck
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