Get email from Linux and use Mercury in Windows questions

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Get email from Linux and use Mercury in Windows questions

Postby alucard01 » 02. March 2006 18:57

Dunno if I put it in a right forum. But please help.

I have 2 servers. One runs Linux and another one run Win2k3, I have XAMPP on win2k3 with mercury IMAP4 enable.

Consider both servers are behind firewall, I want to have all email received by Linux and Win2k3 read all the email into MercuryI IMAP module, which later on being checked by my company users using webmail like squirrel.

Is it possible? What are the points that need to be pay attention to?

Thanks in advance for all your kind help.
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Joined: 15. May 2005 13:51

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