xampp as local testserver

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

xampp as local testserver

Postby douma » 09. February 2006 14:14

Oke, i installed xampp and do want to make a dynamic website on my local computer
Name website : testsite
In this rootfolder i can place a index.php file and subfolders : is this the right structure?

Where to place the rootfolder of the site on my local computer?


Posts: 7
Joined: 11. October 2005 12:07

Re: xampp as local testserver

Postby keisko » 09. February 2006 17:55

douma wrote:Oke, i installed xampp and do want to make a dynamic website on my local computer
Name website : testsite
In this rootfolder i can place a index.php file and subfolders : is this the right structure?

Where to place the rootfolder of the site on my local computer?



1) x:\xampp\htdocs <-- ROOT folder..
example: http:\\localhost (This URL will look index.xxx under root folder, xampp\htdocs\)

2) x:\xampp\htdocs\test <-- SUBfolder under ROOT
example: http:\\localhost\test (This URL will look index.xxx under SUB folder, xampp\htdocs\test)
Posts: 44
Joined: 31. January 2005 18:44

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