#1045 - Access denied for user en mysql

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

#1045 - Access denied for user en mysql

Postby adryana » 25. October 2005 19:20

hi to all !!
i have this problem

#1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: : NO)

phpMyAdmin tried to connect itself with the MySQL servant, and the servant rejected this connection. He will have to review host, name of user and password in config.inc.php and to make sure that they correspond with the information given by the administrator of the MySQL servant. and ademas in the terminal shell, when initiating the connection, says to me

when attempt to enter with comamndo /Applications/xampp/etc/my.cnf,

it says "to Permission denied to me"

sorry for my englesh)

where I can see that usuary this taking mysql, asi I put the same one in phpmyadmin? Thank you very much by its aid! :? :?
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Joined: 25. October 2005 18:57

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