
Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.


Postby Repute » 29. May 2003 10:20

Please Kai let us know when the new version wil be online!!!
Or is it a big secret?


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Postby Oswald » 29. May 2003 14:46

Dear Repute! :)

I will release the new version this weekend. I was waiting for the new final PHP version. But some hours ago the PHP developers team released 4.3.2 and now I'm able o build the new version.

But don't expect to much. It will only contain new versions of Apache, MySQL and PHP. It will be the first release candidate for the 1.0 version.

So the software packages you proposed will not yet be included. But after the release of the new version I've some time and I will build more add-on modules. For example usermin.

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Postby Repute » 29. May 2003 15:03

Ok great!!! I looking forwart to these packages!

Thanks Kai your the best!
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