Linux Redhat 9

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Linux Redhat 9

Postby Sascha2481 » 19. May 2003 11:47


if i install Lampp 0.9.9a on Redhat 9 i get the error message:

Code: Select all
Syntax error on line 230 of /opt/lampp/etc/http.confg:
Cannot load /opt/lampp/modules/ into server

Symbol errno, version GLIBC 2.0 not defined in file with
link time reference

What can i do ?

Postby Oswald » 19. May 2003 11:54

Dear Sascha!

Could you please install the RedHat 9 fix: ... z?download

Install this package like the normal LAMPP distribution:
tar xvfz lampp-rh9fix-0.9.9a.tar.gz -C /opt

You will still see a warning message while starting ProFTPD. But that's not vital and will be hopefully fixed in a future release.

Oswald ;)
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