Mercury Setup Questions

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Mercury Setup Questions

Postby blacktie » 22. March 2005 21:02

First: Thanks to Apachefriends for creating such an excellent product bundle...and thanks for providing an english area in this forum too! :)

I have a few questions about the Mercury Mail setup...(I have read just about all of the threads on the topic...still have questions)

My config:

Win2k3 server
6 domains resolving to my IP
Port 25 is open on my router/firewall hub, I am unsure if my ISP blocks or filters it, but I believe it is open (how can I test?)
Entries in system32/drivers/etc/Hosts that resolve all names to my IP (including the "" ones)
A, CNAME, and MX records on each example below: MX 0 A (blanked out for my protection) A (blanked out for my protection) CNAME

All domains resolve correctly on HTTP, so the DNS management is operating well.

I used as my "internet name for this system"
I have my 2 ISP Name servers entered in the MercuryE "Name Servers"
I entered "" into the local domains on the core configuration (should this be should be in my hosts file?)

The symptoms:
I sent a mail from Mercury's file->send mail message and it works.

I sent a mail to an outside address, and it worked.

I sent a mail form an outside address to, and it did not work.

I am sure I am missing something, but I can't seem to find out what it is...

Any help is greatly appreciated (then I can try to figure out how to get the other 5 domains accepting mail on the same server instance!)

Posts: 2
Joined: 22. March 2005 20:36

Postby blacktie » 24. March 2005 21:34

Disregard....because I am an idiot. I have it fixed now (as it turns out, I have win 2003 server's smtp running, and it was blocking mercury's use of the port...duh.) That explains why all of my port checking was fine.
Posts: 2
Joined: 22. March 2005 20:36

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