
Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.


Postby mdshah » 02. February 2005 08:55

pear package is installed under xampp\php\pear, but when I run the command pear.bat using the cmd panel, iget the response: php_pear install_dir id not set correctly. It say I must chang my environment or modify the default value in pear.bat.

How do I go about doing it?

Appreciate any help. (I am running on xp).
Posts: 2
Joined: 17. January 2005 03:49

Postby StephenGlynn » 05. March 2005 02:36

Try START=>RUN=> C:\apachefriends\xampp\php\go-pear.bat

That should install it.
Posts: 11
Joined: 06. December 2004 00:17

Postby mdshah » 19. March 2005 23:20

Thank you Stephen
Posts: 2
Joined: 17. January 2005 03:49

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