xampp connect via internet

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

xampp connect via internet

Postby Enzogy » 06. March 2005 06:40

How would you be able make it so the files is viewable from internet when using xampp ? So I can host images files for forums and for what not. I got a static ip.

I'm all new to this stuff :)

Posts: 2
Joined: 06. March 2005 06:04

Postby jchapel » 07. March 2005 14:44

There is much to learn

articles here will help get you started.

J Chapel
The application server in my pocket runs on XAMPP
XAMPP Demo http://xampp.no-ip.info
ZPANEL Demo http://zpanel.no-ip.info
Posts: 25
Joined: 15. January 2005 09:32

Postby Enzogy » 07. March 2005 17:00

What article would I look at first?"

Posts: 2
Joined: 06. March 2005 06:04

Postby jchapel » 08. March 2005 00:09

Reading the front page would be a good start.

"How to run your own webserver"

"The Guide" will give you a detailed explanation of what you need to setup your own webserver"

Then look at the menu on the left hand side under "quick start" and "step by step"

Requirements - what you need
Website - types of websites and requirements
Domain Name - how to register a domain name
DNS - how to broadcast or propagate your ip address
Connection - connecting your web server to the internet
Router - working behind a router
Network - setting up your network
Server Hardware
Server Software

If you happen to get stuck along the way, their online forums are a more apprpiate place to ask your questions and get real working answers.

When you get done there a google search on the subjects mentioned, this will provide you with more.

There are also some good books on the subject at the library.

You are about to embark on a complicated, sometimes frustrating, and difficult tasks. Get all the knowlegde you can find on the operating system
you are using, system administration, and the internet before you get started.

Make sure this is something you really want to do. You may want to consider managing a website on someone elses server first to make sure you are up for the tasks.

Good luck I hope this helps
J Chapel
The application server in my pocket runs on XAMPP
XAMPP Demo http://xampp.no-ip.info
ZPANEL Demo http://zpanel.no-ip.info
Posts: 25
Joined: 15. January 2005 09:32

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