timeout error importing DB into phpmyadmin

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timeout error importing DB into phpmyadmin

Postby Steve_M » 02. February 2005 14:00

I've tried to import a back up of my database into XAMPP.

I ahve tried via uncompessed and gzip.
I have tried by using the auto option and by specifying the gzip option on the import.
My database is 15MB in size and falls inside the 16.3MB limit allowed.
I have tried to import by importing half the tables at a time as well.

The error messages have differed slightly.
Most of the time I get a timeout message of 300 seconds (think that's what it says) in line 91 of the relevant php file.

Another time it will just come up with page cannot be found, but this just seems to be the IE6 browser time out coming into play.

THe only thing I am unsure about is what to select from the menu for the character set. I just leave it at the default (utf8) or I scroll up to select the blank option. Either way the results are the same.

I really thought I could do this but after 8 hours of trying different ways I have come cap in hand to ask you professionals what my problem might be.
Please be gentle with your answers as I'm a born again newbie on this.
I'm running Windows ME, if that's relevant.
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Postby Wiedmann » 02. February 2005 14:09

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Postby Steve_M » 02. February 2005 16:27

Thanks for the reply, but oh my goodness!

That bit about me saying I'm a born again newbie......... :lol:

Okay, so I can create a text file of MySQL statements and then link to that with one statement referencing that text file.

Erm...but if it keeps timing out am I not just finding another way to repeat the problem ?

I'm not sure what information you were wishing for me to read on that link, but after reading it all I'd like to change my status to a lower level than that of a newbie. :wink:
Seriously though, I can create the relevant code for doing basic commands within My SQL, but I have no idea how to make it interogate the single backup file I have exported from my host to my PC without it placing that file into tables and contents within the local phpmyadmin in the first place which is what my problem is - I can't "import" that single file to start with.
And what option should I be selecting for the "Character Set" ?

Sorry to be a pain and I appreciate your help.
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Postby Steve_M » 02. February 2005 16:31

Wait a sec!

I'm not understanding the lingo properly.

Let me have a go at this again, I think I'm understanding the terminology better on that link now. I'd like to do as much as I can in order to learn quicker.

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Postby Steve_M » 02. February 2005 16:44

Nah, I got too optomistic about that.

Is there a reason it doesn't except the "Browse for text file" option or when it does it just times out ?
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Postby Steve_M » 02. February 2005 18:13

Hmmm......I think I got it sussed, i just can't work out the right syntax.

LOAD DATA but specifying the path seems to be wrong. I've used forward slashes in the path but then it doesn't seem to like the 'apos' around the path. I'm also not sure if there's another part required in that I've told it what to load and where to find it but not where to put it, though I have the empty database selected within phpmyadmin by default.
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Postby Steve_M » 03. February 2005 05:46

I'm 70% there.

There's no way XAMPP can handle the procedure ordinarily. Whilst the file size is limited to 16.3MB this isn't really the issue, it's the amount of instructions combined with the amount of data in each instruction that comes into play.

I have successfully exported indivudual tables or batches of tables and introduced them into phpmyadmin in XAMPP. Takes a very long time to do it this way and involves making too many DB backups to be practical.

It's the remaining table which is the post table from a message board and many posts are 30kb each in size. 10000 posts most with that size of text plus the other instructions for passing the other relevant fields in this table means that it cannot cope with the time out even though the php files that handle the command seem to have been written to override the timeout.

The only way forward for me is to write my own php file which will open my hosts database and select the info from it, place it in an array and then close that database connection, open the database on local host and loop the info into the XAMPP database after pre-formatting the table structure manually. Maybe I can run that in batches utilising the auto increment if I get a time out error.

Is there an application that is more able to handle a bigger amount of instructions or is it a browser issue ? Can the instructions be carried out other than in a browser but with the same degree of convenience?
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Postby Dave_L » 03. February 2005 14:07

I'm running Windows ME, if that's relevant.

You've tried importing the database using the mysql command in a command prompt window, and still get a timeout?

Code: Select all
mysql -u USERNAME -p DBNAME < DBFILE.sql
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Postby Steve_M » 04. February 2005 00:59

Yes I did get a time out still.

It just seems that the amount of "work" or "processing" involved for the application to do is too much. It really "hangs" as opposed to timing out.

I'm describing it as best I can for anyone in future who recognises similar symptoms because I managed to finally do it!

I exported the table from my host database onto my PC again in uncompressed format.
I opened that file up in Wordpad (I know this can cause problems with hidden "blocks") and I copied segments to the clipboard and copied them into the command window in XAMPP.
It was trial and error to begin with just to see what it could handle and I did notice that to copy the text to clip took the normal fraction of a second but the pasting would take considerably longer, up to 3 minutes to paste a small segment of code.
To paste the entire table of commands took over two hours to paste when I first tried it !!

I have never come across this in a text box before. It is like it was almost trying to read what I wanted to paste before it would say it was okay and display the contents. All this before clicking the "GO" button as well.

I'm wondering if there is a difference in the stated XAMPP window limit and the real limit of what it can accept. Shouldn't be, I know, but just thinking out aloud. I'm a newbie and that's for you pro guys to go figure.

Thanks for the offer of help in this thread, I appreciate it.
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Re: timeout error importing DB into phpmyadmin

Postby danny0085 » 03. July 2011 22:11

Here you can check out the most used linux commands .
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Re: timeout error importing DB into phpmyadmin

Postby JonB » 04. July 2011 00:44

Dear Danny:

Why oh Why are you posting irrelevant info onto a 6 year old thread?

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