How to enable browsers to accept SSL certificate

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How to enable browsers to accept SSL certificate

Postby ajax » 07. April 2023 20:36

I'm trying to setup my test systems to be able to use SSL. I think this entails needing to inform browsers that the certificate authority is trusted. In my case, I have one instance of Firefox that seems to have figured it out but others that have NOT. I can NOT say that I recall what I may have done to get the one to work. However, other browsers that I use are NOT working and I haven't been able to figure out how this would normally be done. Those browsers include Chrome, Edge, Opera, and Internet Explorer.
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Re: How to enable browsers to accept SSL certificate

Postby Nobbie » 07. April 2023 21:00

ajax wrote:However, other browsers that I use are NOT working and I haven't been able to figure out how this would normally be done. Those browsers include Chrome, Edge, Opera, and Internet Explorer.

No problem at all. Simply proceed to the support forums of the different browsers and ask there, how to configure the browser to accept your certificates. This here is the Xampp forum and Xampp does not deliver any browser. We do not support client software.
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Re: How to enable browsers to accept SSL certificate

Postby ajax » 08. April 2023 15:51

Yes, I have done that for some but they are NOT too interested (or maybe knowledgeable) when it comes to private/personal servers and self signed certificates.

It does occur to me that this can be a very standard problem for anyone wanting to use SSL with XAMPP. It also has to do with why I've avoided using SSL with XAMPP. Interestingly the most applicable articles I found with web searches pertain to cases where users are opting to obtain official certificates from certificate authorities rather than use the furnished self signed certificate. Does that mean self signed certificates are normally quite problematic with XAMPP?

Maybe a better question would be, "does anyone know of a browser that is easy to use with XAMPP self signed certificates?".
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Re: How to enable browsers to accept SSL certificate

Postby Nobbie » 08. April 2023 16:26

ajax wrote:Does that mean self signed certificates are normally quite problematic with XAMPP?


Xampp is a distribution only (and not a software), and it delivers Apache webserver. The Webserver (i.e. Apache) has nothing to do with the acceptance problem of self signed certificates. You may use whatever webserver you want (Apache, NGINX, Microsoft IIS etc.), the problem is NOT affected by the webserver. Its the browser and only the browser. So self signed certificates are ALWAYS a problem, it has nothing to do with the webserver and especially it has nothing to do with Xampp. It does not help you if you replace Xampp by whatever you want. Its simply the wrong action.

ajax wrote:Maybe a better question would be, "does anyone know of a browser that is easy to use with XAMPP self signed certificates?".

Still a bad question. A good question would be: "does anyone know of a browser that is easy to use with self signed certificates?".

No, i dont know. About 10 or 20 years ago, all browser accepted self signed certificates flawlessly. But the manufactorers of browser have changed their minds strongly, they think that self signed certificates is a security risk. Therefore they protects their browsers. But you mostly can configure your browser to accept self signed certificates, unfortunately i dont know how to do this for all the different browsers. There should be tutorials in the internet.

Finally, this forum isnt about browsers. Its about Xampp for Windows.
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Re: How to enable browsers to accept SSL certificate

Postby ajax » 08. April 2023 19:37

I do NOT disagree with anything you (Nobbie) say and I do appreciate the feedback. However, I would point out that this problem is a bit peculiar to those of us using XAMPP (i.e., running personal/private servers on our own networks). I'd also point out that, I think, XAMPP (i.e., Apache Friends) are the creators/suppliers of the files we're discussing (i.e., server.crt, server.key, and server.csr).

Also, I've been unable to find any pertinent information for using self signed certificates by searching the web. However, I have been able to find articles regarding the procurement and installation of real trusted certificates obtained from recognized Certificate Authorities. Why do that on a private network unless self signed certificates are NOT possible?

My investigation has also lead me to learn something else that might be relevant. With a little hacking around I found an item referred to as View Certificates in the Firefox settings. Selecting that takes you to something labeled the Certificate Manager which has capability to import certificates. When I tried importing the file named "server.crt" the operation completed without any error indication. This included an opportunity to view the imported certificate. A printout of that screen is shown here. Something that caught my attention is where it says Validity, Not After, Fri, 08 Nov 2019 23:48:47 GMT. Also, after completing the import and restarting Firefox the imported certificate is nowhere to be found.

This raises the question, "are the self signed certificates supplied with XAMPP even usable?".

You are also quite correct when observing that technology (i.e., including browsers) needs to perpetually change in order to stay relevant.
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Re: How to enable browsers to accept SSL certificate

Postby Froosh » 08. April 2023 22:24

Regardless of what platform you are using to host your sites, the browser is the one calling the shots with regards to the certificate being usable.

I’ve had no luck with Firefox, but have had no problem with getting Edge to work with a self-signed certificate in the past.

Your certificate must be relevant to the server hosting the site. I do not believe the certificate you might find under Apache is going to be usable, other than perhaps for localhost, but really do not know that for a fact. When I messed around with this a while ago, I created a certificate specific to my server, added it under apache, and got it to work, only with Edge.

I did this more as an exercise at the time, so do not recall any details, other than getting it to work. XAMPP was not a factor, it was all Apache, and I believe I might have done something in Windows Certificate MMC Console.
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Re: How to enable browsers to accept SSL certificate

Postby Nobbie » 08. April 2023 22:35

ajax wrote:This raises the question, "are the self signed certificates supplied with XAMPP even usable?".


It's obviously pointless, you don't understand. Your problem has NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING to do with Xampp.

But I can not do more and try to explain it to you. You don't want to understand, so be it. Then just delete Xampp from your computer and use any other software. Maybe you will understand that it has nothing to do with Xampp at all.

Anyway, I give up at this point. Good luck to you.
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