Upgrade to 8.0.11-2 working?

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Upgrade to 8.0.11-2 working?

Postby skuipers » 14. October 2021 15:47

Hi all,

I have been using XAMPP for many years already on my Ubuntu system (currently 20.04). Last running XAMPP installation was 7.3.27.

Today I decided to upgrade to version 8.0.11-2. The process went smoothly, like it always has done in the past. No error messages at all. But afterwards I discovered something strange.

The graphic management tool shows XAMPP 8.0.11-2 on top. OK. But when I check phpinfo.php it still shows the old 7.3.27 information. Even after a webserver and system reboot.

My private web applications all work fine after the upgrade. So probably no Apache issue here.

Any ideas what went wrong here?

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Re: Upgrade to 8.0.11-2 working?

Postby Nobbie » 14. October 2021 17:02

Actually, Xampp does not provide any upgrade tool or installation, so i wonder what you did? There is no other option than a full deinstallation followed by a new full installation. If you simply "overinstall" the new package over an existing installation, it leads to unpredictable result.
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Re: Upgrade to 8.0.11-2 working?

Postby skuipers » 14. October 2021 18:07

I have performed many XAMPP updates in the past, always as mentioned in the FAQ. So all my installations have been as an installation over the old one. There is no indication in the FAQ one has to do an uninstall (= removal of the opt/lampp folder) of all current XAMPP files - it really surprises me it should be done now this way.

If this is necessary, maybe the FAQ should be adjusted.

I am quite sure my last update, to 7.3.27, has not been handled this way.
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Re: Upgrade to 8.0.11-2 working?

Postby Nobbie » 15. October 2021 09:30

I only know this FAQ for Xampp on Linux and there is no update mentioned: https://www.apachefriends.org/faq_linux.html

Xampp does not provide upgrade packages, its always a full install. If you simply overwrite an existing installation, it may work or not, its not predictable. It depends on what you might have changed and/or what you have installed. Thats how it is and how it has been since ever.

If you do not backup your MySql Data for example, overinstalling a new Xampp surely leads to a loss of all data. I know there are a few user written advices how to upgrade Xampp manually (incl. Backup and Restore of all your data and htdocs), but there is no upgrade procedure in Xampp.
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Re: Upgrade to 8.0.11-2 working?

Postby skuipers » 15. October 2021 11:10

Yes, that's the FAQ I use to follow.

I started with XAMPP way back in 2005 or so. So I have been working with many different versions. I always applied a new release by just executing "chmod 755 xampp-linux-*-installer.run" and "sudo ./xampp-linux-*-installer.run" as indicated (I use no data base for my own applications, so I did not have to worry about MySql) and it always went smoothly. Until yesterday, that's what really surprises me.

A few years ago I had to make a split between a development server and a production server. As XAMPP is not advised to being used in a production environment I decided to set up a new server from scratch and to do all the configuration myself. Especially Apache was a little bit complex, but once it had been set up correctly I have not had to look into it just once anymore. Ubuntu's software update mechanism takes care of everything and all self-written configuration files are kept as they are at upgrade time.

Comparing both methods: XAMPP is easier to set up at first, but more complex regarding new versions (especially with my latest experience).

Thanks for replying to my question.
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Location: The Netherlands

Re: Upgrade to 8.0.11-2 working?

Postby Nobbie » 15. October 2021 12:00

skuipers wrote:Comparing both methods: XAMPP is easier to set up at first, but more complex regarding new versions (especially with my latest experience).

Yes, thats the price you have to pay for easy installation. But as you dont use MySql, you are not using a huge part of Xampp. Upgrading Mysql always means doing backups, otherwise you will lose data. Also for Ubuntu and repository based upgrades.
Posts: 13220
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Re: Upgrade to 8.0.11-2 working?

Postby evelinshuk » 19. November 2021 14:03

I have been working with many different versions.
Posts: 11
Joined: 03. November 2021 09:27
XAMPP version: 7.3.25
Operating System: Microsoft Windows

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