Changing root directory on a Mac installation

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Changing root directory on a Mac installation

Postby kenoli » 23. December 2020 00:22

Has anyone been able to change the root directory where Xampp serves files from "htdocs" to another directory by changing the DocumentRoot and Directory setting in the http.conf file? No matter what I do, it doesn't change. I have always had to create a symbolic link from htdocs to the directory I want to use as the DocumentRoot.

This doesn't really make sense and I'm wondering if there is something else I need to know about setting the DocumneRoot directory.

Look forward to hearing about others experiences.

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Joined: 11. May 2009 19:06

Re: Changing root directory on a Mac installation

Postby Nobbie » 23. December 2020 13:27

I think this is also just another problem with the Xampp VM version.

Delete the installation and install the normal Xampp version instead, unfortunately Bitnami does not mark the versions, the "normal" version can only be recognized by the fact that the installer is only half the size of the VM version (which is linked as default).

In the normal version Xampp is installed to /Applications/Xampp/... and is fully configurable.
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Re: Changing root directory on a Mac installation

Postby kenoli » 23. December 2020 18:16

Thanks for the reply.

I did install the normal version, not the vm version. Any other pointers on how to do this?

Have you been able switch the root directory by changing the configuration in the config file.

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Joined: 11. May 2009 19:06

Re: Changing root directory on a Mac installation

Postby Nobbie » 24. December 2020 00:11

I do not have Apple PCs, but i dont see any reason why i should not change DocumentRoot to which ever folder.

Of course you have to look for sufficient rights in the file system, so Apache can access the folder and files, but there is no difference to a linux distribution for example. Actually i think you missed something in your configuration, but i do not have sufficient information about your problem.
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

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