Apache won't start

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Apache won't start

Postby thorz45 » 06. May 2020 16:49


I just reinstalled XAMPP on my mac with OSX Catalina latest update and the Apache and ProFTPD won't start, Mysql starts normal.

I got the error:

INFO: Starting "XAMPP" stack
INFO: "XAMPP" stack successfully started
INFO: Starting "apache"
ERROR: Failed to start "apache": cannot start service: httpd: Could not open configuration file /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf: No such file or directory

I uninstalled the old version and deleted all of the files and logs and cache manually before reinstalling this version.
I tried to: restart the system, reinstalled XAMPP three times, same error.
It seems that I can't modify the privileges of the folders in the mounted volumes even as an administrator.
Can somebody help me here?

Posts: 1
Joined: 06. May 2020 16:45
XAMPP version: 7.4.5
Operating System: OSX Catalina

Re: Apache won't start

Postby Nobbie » 06. May 2020 19:12

Uninstall everything, you installed the VM version, which is running in a virtual machine and i do not support it in any way. Its making over problems, no advantages.

Instead download the "normal" version (unfortunately, Bitnami does not sign it anymore, but you can detect it, as the installer is much smaller than the VM installer), finally install and run the normal Xampp installation. This will solve all your problems.
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: Apache won't start

Postby Longhua68 » 10. May 2020 10:52

Hi I have read your post and I would like to ask you how to look for the log and cache files in order to make a new clear reinstallation on of xammp. Could you help?
Posts: 3
Joined: 10. May 2020 10:06
XAMPP version: 7.4.5.
Operating System: Mac

Re: Apache won't start

Postby Longhua68 » 10. May 2020 10:56

How ti install without vm?
Posts: 3
Joined: 10. May 2020 10:06
XAMPP version: 7.4.5.
Operating System: Mac

Re: Apache won't start

Postby Nobbie » 10. May 2020 11:24

There are six installers for MacOS https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html, three of them are VMs, three of them are not VMs. The size of the non-VMs is significantly smaller than the VM installer. So the first three are not VM.
Posts: 13233
Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: Apache won't start

Postby Longhua68 » 10. May 2020 15:25

Nobbie wrote:There are six installers for MacOS https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html, three of them are VMs, three of them are not VMs. The size of the non-VMs is significantly smaller than the VM installer. So the first three are not VM.
Thank you so much. It was extremely helpful!!!
Posts: 3
Joined: 10. May 2020 10:06
XAMPP version: 7.4.5.
Operating System: Mac

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