XAMPP 7.3.11 and incorrect MariaDB version

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XAMPP 7.3.11 and incorrect MariaDB version

Postby HarryB » 05. December 2019 08:13

I have just upgraded to XAMPP 7.3.11 on the basis that it contained a version of MariaDB greater than 10.2 as I wanted to have access to the window functions. However, trying to use a function such as ROW_NUMBER throws an unrecognised error and looking in the MySQL log seems to suggest that the MariaDB version is 10.1.X and not 10.4.X as it is supposed to be.
Does anybody have any idea what could be the cause of this?
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Joined: 23. March 2016 11:12
XAMPP version: 7.3.11
Operating System: Windows 10

Re: XAMPP 7.3.11 and incorrect MariaDB version

Postby Nobbie » 05. December 2019 10:37

As Xampp does not provide upgrades, maybe you did something wrong and are still running older release?
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Re: XAMPP 7.3.11 and incorrect MariaDB version

Postby HarryB » 05. December 2019 12:23

Well, I installed the freshly downloaded package to C:\xampp and am running the control panel from that directory. phpinfo tells me that I have 7.3.11 although the splash panel on localhost does say 7.1.11 but I assume that is just an updating problem. What else could I have done wrong?
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XAMPP version: 7.3.11
Operating System: Windows 10

Re: XAMPP 7.3.11 and incorrect MariaDB version

Postby Altrea » 05. December 2019 13:31

HarryB wrote:Well, I installed the freshly downloaded package to C:\xampp and am running the control panel from that directory. phpinfo tells me that I have 7.3.11 although the splash panel on localhost does say 7.1.11 but I assume that is just an updating problem.

Yes, the Dashboard version is incorrect.

HarryB wrote:What else could I have done wrong?

Maybe you got a different MariaDB version running?
I have tested the MariaDB versions of the two 7z Versions of XAMPP 7.3.11 and both tell me in the CLI that they are MariaDB 10.4.8 versions
# mysql -u root
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 8
Server version: 10.4.8-MariaDB mariadb.org binary distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]>
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Re: XAMPP 7.3.11 and incorrect MariaDB version

Postby HarryB » 05. December 2019 22:28

Thank you for your input Altrea.

It seems that the problem was mostly down to me. I was using phpmyadmin and when I attempted a query it threw an error which was due to an error in the wording of the query but when I added the 'missing' phrase phpadmin showed up warnings about unexpected tokens. So, I checked the ControlPanel mysql log file and noted the 'first' entries but not the attached timestamp as I had assumed that a new log file would be started with each session rather than continue from time immemorial. This reinforced the belief that there was an incorrect version of the db and so I posted to the forum.

When I checked the version using the CLI (per your advice) and found that the correct version was in fact installed, I copied example queries from a tutorial site and modified them to suit one of my tables. phpadmin still showed warnings about unexpected tokens but the queries worked.

So, I now wonder whether there is some sort of a problem with phpmyadmin not being up to date with the new functionality in the latest versions of the db?
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XAMPP version: 7.3.11
Operating System: Windows 10

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