xampp installation errors in Windows 8

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xampp installation errors in Windows 8

Postby kalachyutiya » 09. October 2018 07:50

Hello I am having problem installing xampp in Windows 8.

Attached is image.[img]https://i.stack.imgur.com/UwdLO.jpg[/img]

want to install xampp I looked at website https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html#

but I could not find 64 bit version for windows 8 does that mean there are no 64 bit xampp downloads for windows 8.

I want to install 64 bit because I downloaded 32 bit xampp and then it gave me a lot of errors which you can see here xamp not able to install on windows 8

so please let me know where can I find 64 bit xampp for windows 8.1

Microsoft visual C++ all redistributable are properly there in the system. You can see this snapshot [img]https://i.stack.imgur.com/d2NVm.jpg[/img]

microsoft all re distributables present:
Posts: 3
Joined: 09. October 2018 06:59
XAMPP version: xampp-win32-7.2.10-0-VC15
Operating System: Windows 8 64 bit

Re: xampp installation errors in Windows 8

Postby Nobbie » 09. October 2018 10:10

There is no Xampp for 64bit Windows. There is only 32bit Xampp for Windows. There is a 64bit for Linux instead.

Anyway, did you do what the error message of the installer tells you? You need to download and install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Distribution Package. Xampp 32bit runs on 64bit Windows as well.
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: xampp installation errors in Windows 8

Postby kalachyutiya » 09. October 2018 10:49

No by installing VC ++ 2008 it did not work https://superuser.com/questions/1364933/xamp-not-able-to-install-on-windows-8 see this thread I had to run as administrator then errors went.
Posts: 3
Joined: 09. October 2018 06:59
XAMPP version: xampp-win32-7.2.10-0-VC15
Operating System: Windows 8 64 bit

Re: xampp installation errors in Windows 8

Postby Nobbie » 09. October 2018 12:05

kalachyutiya wrote:I had to run as administrator then errors went.

Ok, so finally it worked out for you and Apache/MySQL are running well?
Posts: 13221
Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: xampp installation errors in Windows 8

Postby kalachyutiya » 09. October 2018 12:24

yes it is working.
Posts: 3
Joined: 09. October 2018 06:59
XAMPP version: xampp-win32-7.2.10-0-VC15
Operating System: Windows 8 64 bit

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