Examples Needed

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Examples Needed

Postby rogerfgay » 13. February 2017 18:48

This is a general comment post.

I think it would be great if some examples were provided with every version on the configurations required to achieve certain goals.
I realize that there are enough details so that it would be impractical to have an example of every possible configuration.

But I've been struggling with trying to allow multiple users with MySQL accounts to use phpMyAdmin by logging in remotely.
I've been all over the place for weeks now trying to come up with the solution for it.
The question has been asked 1000 times out on the Internet in a variety of forums.
When responses are given, it's guesses or "this worked for me" (but might not work for anyone else).

In this situation, there are only a few (focused) possibilities - remote login for multiple users being one.
It is my opinion that good sufficiently complete examples and clear tutorials can dramatically increase the quality of a product ... usability.
Posts: 7
Joined: 07. February 2017 15:10
XAMPP version: 3.2.2
Operating System: Windows 10

Re: Examples Needed

Postby Nobbie » 13. February 2017 22:11

rogerfgay wrote:It is my opinion that good sufficiently complete examples and clear tutorials can dramatically increase the quality of a product ... usability.

Feel free to join the Bitnami team and provide complete examples and clear tutorials, such things are not freely falling from heaven. It is not quite the question, if its usefull or not, it is a question of knowledge and manpower.
Posts: 13220
Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: Examples Needed

Postby rogerfgay » 14. February 2017 07:40

I've written tutorials and good documentation on some things. But I'm not an expert with this technology yet. I've been pressed into service as a high school teacher for a first year course in web development and am currently in need of help giving access to phpMyAdmin to the students. RE: Use of manpower - this seems like a priority based on what I've seen while trying to find an answer. Lots of questions about this stuff without clear answers. It seems there might just be about 3 main configurations: one of which is multiple accounts accessible remotely with login.
Posts: 7
Joined: 07. February 2017 15:10
XAMPP version: 3.2.2
Operating System: Windows 10

Re: Examples Needed

Postby Nobbie » 14. February 2017 13:23

rogerfgay wrote:Lots of questions about this stuff without clear answers

Of course. The basic problem is: all these tools (MySQL as well as Apache etc.) are very powerfull tools and it is a difficult task to administrate and configure these tools. Normally a non-educated user is not able to do such a job, this requires a good education (usually as part of a highschool course). Xampp is a special distribution which tries to reduce the amount of administration to a minimum, so that unskilled users are enabled to install and run their own webserver. But of course it is getting worse very quickly, if you want to go deeper into that stuff. There is no chance to simpy solve that with a few questions and/or tutorials.

I dont believe that a few tutorials can "clear up" things, because this IS a sophisticated stuff and you would be payed well if you were a good administrator by profession. It took me more than 10 years to become a well skilled MySQL and Apache/PHP admin (and also user). And i am working as an IT professional since 1986, what helps me a lot to understand new concepts. It is impossible to replace all that by tutorials.

rogerfgay wrote: It seems there might just be about 3 main configurations: one of which is multiple accounts accessible remotely with login.

No, it is not. There is no such thing as "main configurations", you might configure the user access as you want, but of course you need to know the data modell and the concepts of the rights management. Unfortunately, this concept interferes with the Apache rights concept and anyway, you should have more than "basic" knowledge about TCP/IP. Yes, it is difficult and Xampp only delivers a very limited setup - what is meant to run in a localhost environment only. And (to make it even more difficult) there are Apache(!) options used in order to protect the phpmyadmin folder from remote access - this is NOT a MySQL feature, it is a plain Apache feature. Bitnami wants you to use Xampp locally only - if you want more, either do not use Xampp or learn how to configure Apache and MySQL how to access from remote servers. Bitnami does not support that.

Having said that, you might try to install another phpmyadmin installation into another folder than Xampps PhpMyAdmin - this very simply "tricks" the Apache configuration which protects the phpmyadmin folder.... (you then may access your "own" phpmyadmin from anywhere in the world). You only have to adapt the MyQSL configuration from config.inc.php in the phpmyadmin folder, in order to apply the correct credentials for the Xampp MySQL Database. There is no problem to run more than one phpmyadmin, you even may delete the Xampps phpmyadmin version. But DO NOT install your phpmyadmin to exactly the same folder, then it would be protected as well...
Posts: 13220
Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: Examples Needed

Postby rogerfgay » 14. February 2017 18:10

Having said that, you might try to install another phpmyadmin installation into another folder than Xampps PhpMyAdmin - this very simply "tricks" the Apache configuration which protects the phpmyadmin folder.... (you then may access your "own" phpmyadmin from anywhere in the world). You only have to adapt the MyQSL configuration from config.inc.php in the phpmyadmin folder, in order to apply the correct credentials for the Xampp MySQL Database. There is no problem to run more than one phpmyadmin, you even may delete the Xampps phpmyadmin version. But DO NOT install your phpmyadmin to exactly the same folder, then it would be protected as well...

That seems like a good start. I've been a programmer for almost 50 years, but my system admin and webmaster experience is limited to Tomcat, MS SQLServer, and advanced networking techniques. Knowing that there's a built-in conflict in the XAMPP set-up is gold to me. I had installed everything individually from scratch the first time I did this; on an old XP that was the only thing we could dig up at first. It's 4 gig of memory wasn't enough to handle the job, what with all the other stuff the school had installed. I did have phpMyAdmin working on that on the way it was supposed to ... it just only worked for a fairly short time before running out of memory and crashing.

Thanks for your comments. I'll try a separate installation of phpMyAdmin.
Posts: 7
Joined: 07. February 2017 15:10
XAMPP version: 3.2.2
Operating System: Windows 10

Re: Examples Needed

Postby rogerfgay » 18. February 2017 17:06

Just one more thank you to nobbie.

I had to wait till the weekend to take the server home with me to make changes. (It's a laptop sitting at another site where I haven't been working.)
A short time into my Saturday and it worked. Installing phpMyAdmin separately did the trick.
MySQL was already set-up with separate user accounts, passwords and databases.
It was just copy into the directory and it worked. The config that came with phpMyAdmin already required passwords.

I've had way too much work to do since before Christmas but want the students to have everything they need to make the course a good one.
Now they can access their own databases and learn how to write a login program, for example, along with creating a table with username and password. :)

As mentioned earlier, I have a lot of experience with Tomcat, but this is my first time with HTTPD as well as all the extras included with XAMPP.
For quite some time, I've wanted to at least run HTTPD using Tomcat as a servlet container. But beyond getting a general understanding of requirements, I haven't had time.
Getting started with this stuff is often the hardest part, and that high level tip you provided was just the thing I needed.

Now I can imagine continuing to use XAMPP in the future, which will include looking into the relationship between the apache configuration and other things.

Thanks again.
Posts: 7
Joined: 07. February 2017 15:10
XAMPP version: 3.2.2
Operating System: Windows 10

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